We all grew up on someone's tutorials. It's time for me to share the accumulated knowledge, especially as it's not far from the New Year, so it's time to prepare gifts for our loved ones. So, I want to share with you the process of sewing a Coffee Mouse.
Why coffee, you ask. Everything is simple, the base sewn of cotton is covered with a coffee-cinnamon mixture. From this, the toy acquires a pleasant color and a slight aroma. ))
Besides, as it seems to me, such work causes very deep feelings — something homey, warm and cozy. She's very likeable.
For the model, I chose the Mouse, Mistress of Home Comfort. She will be a cute mascot for any home.
A detailed description of the actions will be clear even to a beginner. Shall we try?
For work we will need:
- calico or other cotton material in white color;
- sintepon;
- coffee, cinnamon, vanilla, PVA glue — for the aroma mixture;
- acrylic paints in white, purple and black;
- scissors, pencil, brushes;
- thread, needle;
- brown oil paint;
- a flap of colored fabric size 20 x 3.5 cm, for a skirt;
- contour on fabric gold;
- fabric, preferably, which does not crumble — for the cap;
- two black beads-eyes;
- strip of leather or suede, 13x0.5 cm for a belt;
- decor — in this case, a button in the shape of a candle;
- rouge.
The first thing you need to translate the pattern of toys on paper. This can be done by printing the pattern on the printer or circling it, attaching a blank sheet of paper to the monitor. At once I will pay attention — that on a pattern it is allocated by a red dotted line, it is not necessary to sew up.
After that, cut out the details and transfer the pattern to the folded fabric, except for the cap. We are going to sew from a different cloth.
Sew the body, leaving the neck not sewn (on the pattern marked in red).
Ears, so same leaving not sewn highlighted red dotted line, part of.
Head, on the same principle.
We cut out details, departing from a line approximately 2 mm. In places which I marked with red dashes it is necessary to make cuts, very accurately, without reaching a seam of 1 mm. Thanks to these cuts, in the turned-out state the fabric will not pull and collect.
From places that were not sewn, retreat about 5 mm.
Turn out the details of the body and ears.
Now we turn to the design of the head. Inverted parts of the ears, fold in half at the bottom. Then slightly unfold them and fasten with a pin.
Then, take the part of the head (remember, we did not turn it out) and insert the ear into the hole of the neck. Gently shift to the edge of the hole on the top of the head. One eye — in one the brink, the second — in the other. The photo shows how it should look. Fix them with pins.
To stitch the place that we had not sewn thereby fix the ears in the right place.
Then turn out the resulting part .
We fill the head and body with sintepon. Stuff tightly, shifting the padding in all the narrow parts, tamping with a stick with a blunt end.
Now let's sew the head to the body.
Bend the release of the fabric on the neck inside and attaching to the body, secure with pins.
Now sew the head to the body with a secret seam.
Preparation for painting.
Prepare the mixture: pour into a container, bowl, cup, etc. - 2 teaspoons of instant coffee, 0.5 teaspoons of cinnamon, a pinch or two of vanilla. Fill all this yummy hot boiling water (about 150 gr.), stir. In a separate bowl, mix 2 tablespoons of PVA glue with 2 tablespoons of cold water. I do this in order to avoid lumps, if I added hot water to the glue at once. The resulting "milk" is added to a hot solution of coffee, cinnamon. Thus, the mixture is ready.
Painting. At this point, I turn on the oven, 120-130 gr. While we paint, the oven will have time to heat up. Brush dip in the prepared solution, squeeze on the edge of the dishes, in which we have it, and paint the parts of toys. Dabs are doing a slightly damp brush to avoid streaks.
Drying. In my experience, I try to dry products in a suspended state, if the size of the toy allows. Since there, where the workpiece comes into contact with the paper, and usually on the baking sheet it is necessary to lay the paper and put the toy on it, a dark place is formed, a "streak". To avoid this, we sewed earlier buttonhole, and hang on a pre-attached to the upper spiral in the oven, stationery, bent hook, paper clips. During drying, I leave the oven slightly open. Check for dryness toy can be eight minutes. If it is dry, remove. If it is still wet, then give it some more time to sunbathe...
Now the mouse is preparing for painting and further decor.
With a pencil I draw a picture of future clothes - a blouse, pens, panties and a muzzle.
Purple acrylic paint I draw a blouse, and white - a collar and panties. Legs leave not painted over. After the first layer has dried, once again paint over the collar and panties with white paint.
Take the oil brown paint and squeeze on the paper a small drop. Slightly shade with a brush with a short pile on a piece of paper. After that, go through all the places highlighted in pencil.
Then it is necessary to fill the convex parts of the body with a semi-dry brush. To do this, I spread the purple paint white, and walked on the belly, elbows, back.
When the paint dries, you can dilute the paint again, making it a tone lighter. And once again to walk on the same places.
Thus, we achieve the volume of the toy.
After that, dilute the black paint with water, if you have it and so liquid, then do not. And with a thin brush we draw the contours of the handles, circle the collar, etc. As well as draw a muzzle.
Now sew beads-eyes. Knots can be hidden in secluded places - behind the ears, or at the junction of the neck of the head with the body.
Gold outline draw buttons, and white-collar trim.
White paint is neatly drawn cheeks.
The next step sew a skirt.
A flap of fabric is stitched with a needle on the upper edge. Gather and apply, try on the waist of the mouse, evenly distributing the folds. Then, glue Moment-crystal, hold the strip along the waist line. Glue the skirt around the circumference. Press and hold, waiting for the glue to seize.
It's time to close the upper part of the skirt, belt. The same coat of glue and pressed.
Translate on a flap of white fabric pattern cap. Cut. On the inner circle, stitch the seam forward with a needle . Pull the ends of the threads. Take a small ball of padding and put it in the resulting "bag". Apply to the head and adjust the tension of the thread, making the cap more suitable in size. Having decided on the size, tie the ends of the thread on a knot. And choosing the longest end, sew it cap rare stitches to the head of the mouse.
So we came to the final stage of registration.
Take a button-candle and apply to the place where it should be. Because the button has a buttonhole and it is convex, so that it does not bulge much from the body, it is necessary to make a small incision on the body of the toy. Then the buttonhole of the button will enter this cut and the button will be pressed tightly to the body.
Glue the button with a moment or hot glue.
Antennae can be made either of thread or of fine raffia. Just pass through the cheeks and cut off the excess.
On top of the sew buttonhole, for which the toy can be hung anywhere.
Rear view:
Yay, we did it! ))
Mouse Mistress of home comfort, ready!
On this principle, you can sew any mouse-boy, girl, choosing different options for the design of costumes and decor. As an example:
All, happy new year 2020, the year of the Mouse/Rat!
Last year we grunted, now you can peep :-)
At copying or partial use of materials of this master class on other resources, the active reference to the primary source is obligatory.
Sincerely, Pershina Nadezhda.