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DIYs & Tutorials with coffee

7 publications with this material found
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We all grew up on someone's tutorials. It's time for me to share the accumulated knowledge, especially as it's not far from the New Year, so it's time to prepare gifts for our loved ones. So, I want to share with you the process of sewing a Coffee Mouse. Why coffee, you ask. ...
06.07.2019 17:41  |  
Internet has a lot of tutorials on creating mini-books. But mostly they deal with full-fledged books with firmware pages. But I did not like it, time of creation as well as overall look. So, I remembered how once I faced layering of a dense cardboard. At that time it upset me, but now it turned out ...
24.03.2019 11:08  |  
Working on a paid raccoon tutorial, I thought about how to include a mini tutorial on cookies. Because raccoons love them so much! Then I thought that these little cookies would be interesting themselves. As a compliment to other toys, as interior decorations, or as brooches...  ATTENTION! ...
02.02.2019 16:08  |  
Tutorial: Invitation in a jar. 1. Aging: Print text on a plain sheet of paper using a laser printer. Cut to fit the bottle. Place on a plate or baking sheet. Pour dissolved strong coffee on it (a trick: coffee should be soluble — it better colors, the cheaper the coffee, the older the color). 2. ...
I want to offer you a simple DIY project. Coffe birds can be a wonderful decoration, souvenir and gift. Materials: cotton coffee, cinnamon, vanilla (cocoa, cloves, star anise) PVA glue bamboo sticks buttons any hard fabric acrylic paint Draw a simple pattern of a bird. Like this: Cut out and ...
Sewing gingerbread toys has become my Christmas tradition. Today I want to share with you a recipie of manufacturing a cute symbol of the New Year 2018 — a sweet puppy. Prepare all necessary materials: white cloth polyester batting acrylic paint, white and brown oil paint, brown white fabric ...
One more DIY on the theme of the upcoming New Year — the year of the Dog. To sew such cute coffee dogs, you need: - a piece of white coarse callico, about 50 x 50cm - batting - instant coffee - PVA glue - acrylic paint — white, black and brown - brush, floss, needle - the pattern: 1. Transfer ...

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