Christmas is comming!
When I walk in a mal and see nice dolls, I remember how much I want to make a doll on my own, and this time has come!
It turned to be very easy to create a doll. Mine was 67 cm and I used:
- wooden stick
- three small pieces of plywood, about 10 to 15 cm
- metal corners, 5 pieces, 2 cm screws
- Moment glue Gel, Joiner Moment Glue, saw, screwdriver
- striped socks, one white sock
- grey and white felt
- wool yarn
- polyester wadding
- velour, stretch lace, doll knitwear, faux fur
Ask your brother / husband / dad to cut the wooden stick into:
- 2 feet, 32 cm
- a neck, 18 cm
And cut out these from veneer: - pile, length 14 cm, width 11 cm;
- body length 14 cm, width 10 cm
When the blanks are ready, assemble the dool:
When the stockings are on, cut a round blank with two holes for legs in it from cardboard, glue felt on it:
Make the boots for dolls, cut out soles from grey felt, apply glue Gel to stick them and tie them around with a thread. Cut out the boots, sew them to the soles filling with the wadding:
Move on, put on the circle with the holes and attach the body and the neck.
Sew a cone from white felt, height 17 cm for the body, the width equal to the circumference of the bottom and the shoulders. Turn the body outside in and sew it to the bottom stuffing with wadding. Sew the shoulders.
Sory, the battery was low here... no photos of the finished body.
Pull the needle through the hole, tighten the thread — make it several times. Put on a blank sock and sew up the head.
It's face time :) Pins serve as marks here:
Sew the head through to fix the eyes:
Cut out the arms from knitwear, the length from shoulder to fingers — 20 cm. Sew with short stitches. To carefully make the fingers, apply a drop of Moment Gel, wait until it gets dry and only then cut out the fingers. Make two models of the arms with chenille wire and gently insert them inside, fill with wadding.
Now the dress. Cut out a 10 cm piece for the skirt — the longer, the more voluminous it will be. Sew two rows of lace to it. The top edge is gathered:
The dress top is cut out on the bias, in the shape of a cone, lace is sewn to the bottom.
Make hair. Take Camel woolen yarn, 600 meters per 100 grams, wind as much as you need on a stick, then cut and sew the middle.
Cut off strands. Take one for the bangs, sew it to the head, pull it back and apply glue, lay the hair on the sticky surface. Then apply the rest hair, sew and glue them, too.
Give her a slight make up, trim hair, put on snud on the heck, a cap and voila!
Here is a newborn doll called Snow Cloud, please love and favour :)
P. S. I will thank you in advance for giving a Like if you enjoyed the tutorial!
Sincerely yours,