I want to show you how in 6 steps to paint neckerchief out of silk in the cold batik technique. Simple, creative and clear.
Step 1
Take a piece of white silk and stretch it on the frame:
Step 2
Transfer the outline of your sketch on the tracing paper with a black marker.
Step 3
Pin the sketch under the silk and place a lamp under the frame to see the contours clearly. Take the tube with the reserve and begin to outline the contour of the image.
Step 4
The painting begins. Take brushes and create the main colours. Start to paint the background.
Step 5
The most beautiful part of the work — the flowers and leaves:
Very carefully, not going over the edge of the reserve!
Step 6
Coming to an end. Draw the plastic of flowers and leaves with a special stick and a semi-dry cotton with the paint. Feel each flower and add graphics, veins and shades.
Here's a beautiful shawl! I called it Tenderness. I hope you also like batik printing. If you have questions, ask. I will help you to deal with all your questions.