I have decided to make an alternate video about Christmas decorations with a video about the other joys of life! :) In this demo tutorial I want to share with you:
- How to work with:
- stained glass paints,
- acrylic paints on glass.
- The result we get when using phosphorescent acrylic gel.
Main stages of work:
- Selection of a suitable volume mold and making a mold from clay;
- Apply mother-of-pearl metallic on the mold;
- Paint with stained glass paints;
- Decorate the ball with gel, contours, gold metallic.
Materials used in the work:
1. Phosphorescent acrylic gel Studio Acrylics Pebeo.
2. Avril paint gold Studio Acrylics Pebeo.
3. Vitrail Pebeo stained glass paint.
4. Cerne Relief Pebeo Contour.
Below you will find the video.