Hi, friends!
Summer is gone... The bright sun and warm days are being replaced by cool and rainy autumn... But you can store a piece of summer like me — draw a warm wildflowers picture with crayons. This painting requires many details and quite much attention.
And here is a photo:
Materials that we need:
1). Sheet of pastel paper, size A1. I selected Burgundy, 60*35 cm, draw margins to frame the picture field and comfortably hold it in hands.
2). Soft pastel crayons. Faber Castell or Reeves. Take different boxes to have many shades and accomplish each crayon set.
3). Pastel pencils. Koh-I-Noor, Lyra, Fader, etc.
4). Sticky paper tape.
5). Fixative for pastels.
6). Eraser.
7). Stationery knife for sharpening pencils.
I took a white pencil and make a sketch with all main lines to serve as outlines for the objects.
Then begin to paint — apply colour, just tale a piece of the photo, determine the colour you need to transfer and take the crayon or several crayones to mix them together. Make no sharp lines, smooth all.
Continue working with the background.
Now find the source of light and start painting it — from the top left hand corner.
Ddd a variety of colors to the background — white, yellow, green, pink, beige, lilac, etc. Do it carefully, if you take a yellow crayon, then apply it in two-three places on the paper to harmonise the colour composition.
Don't touch the flowers, carefully avoid them :)
The more properly you paint the background, the better.
Only after the background is done, you can proceed to painting the flowers. Pay much attention to the petals of daisies as white color should remain white and be rich. By the way, clear lines are only for flowers at the foreground.
Еhe stems are painted with pencils, remember that they have two contasting sides — light and shaded.
The poppies look this way when unfinished:
Paint them properly. Use different sgades of red, orange, pink. Paint light and shaded parts.
Such a work appears:
And fragments:
And the final result:
Thank you all for your attention!
See you :)