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DIYs & Tutorials with eraser

13 publications with this material found
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In this video tutorial, I will show you step by step how to paint a winter landscape with watercolors. We will need watercolor, brushes, watercolor paper or A4 paper, a rag or napkin, water. Beginners can use a simple pencil and an eraser to outline a drawing. If you want to dry your work faster, ...
At one of the festivals we held a workshop on decorating of a cutting board. At the same time, when preparing the sample, we filmed the process for those who want to repeat this work at home :) For work you will need: apparatus for burning: any suitable for you and available at hand; cutting board; ...
Framing a drawing in the Boho style Nature is an integral part of our life. In urban apartments you especially acutely feel the lack of life-giving power of the forest, mountains, invigorating wind, running water. For someone boho is a fashion that will be replaced by the next trend, and for someone ...
20.02.2019 16:56  |  
Today I suggest drawing a simple minimalist card on February 23.For drawing you can use any art materials you like. Materials used in the tutorial: sheet of thick paper 10x15 cm; simple pencil; eraser; liner; alcohol markers; color pencils; white gel pen. Let's start drawing. Step 1. Sketch ...
One winter evening, I was looking at beautiful photos on the Internet and saw the unusual appearance of the Japanese traditional gassho-zukuri houses in the villages of Shirakawa and Gokayama, many houses were build more than three centuries ago, and the oldest house was said to have been built ...
This DIY is dedicated to all lovers of coloring books — for adluts and children. If you can't find a suitable plot or don't know how to turn from coloring to creating your own drawings, this DIY is for you. Doodle style is not chosen by chance — it is easy-to-understand for almost everyone ...
Grey winter weekdays passed. The soul needs the spring, flowers and bright colours! Urgent updated closet, create a spring mood and draw bright colours on sneakers in Gzhel painting style!To create a masterpiece, you need:1. White sneakers 2. Acrylic paint for fabric3. Brushes4. Pencil5. Eraser6. A ...
Somehow I came across an idea to use a rubber not on its original purpose :) And make a multipurpose star stamp from it — use for Halloween parties, New Year cards and so on.  Materials: eraser stationery knife pencil glue two wooden blanks acrylic paint Carefully draw a star on the eraser, cut ...
Let's try to paint a pomegranate today :)The picture is very simple, everyone will succeed. Step 1 Take a square paper up to 25 x 25 cm, fix it.   Step 2 Draw an outline with a pencil. Leave more space at the top.   Step 3 Begin to fill the background. the fruit is red, so make the ...
Hi, friends! Summer is gone... The bright sun and warm days are being replaced by cool and rainy autumn... But you can store a piece of summer like me — draw a warm wildflowers picture with crayons. This painting requires many details and quite much attention. And here is a photo:   Materials that ...
Take a kitchen jar for dry products. Mine have beautiful, rich colours, which in itself plays an important role in painting. Degrease the surface using a cotton pad and rubbing alcohol, allow to dry completely. Draw the outlines with a white pencil. 3. Apply main lines with a bright silver ...
This envelope with a Declaration of Love is easy done yourself. Materials you need:1. Paper for scrapbooking (or coloured cardboard). 2. Ruler. 3. Simple pencil and soft eraser.4. Tape, width 3 cm (colour at your discretion, I have violet transparent), lighter or matches. 5. Glue stick or PVA, ...

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