The purse is really tiny.
And at first I did not plan to make a handbag — I just wanted to paint a small box.
And when it was ready, I had an idea to turn the box into a handbag.
I also want to present you with the transformation process of a plywood base into a tiny handbag.
I had the most usual base. (Photo is of a similar box — I worked on the other)
I think many people know about my passion for small houses...
The idea of the decor was to create a 3-dimensional image of a town in an unexpected perspective.
I wanted to make the houses as we see them soaring above the ground on the plane, ie to make a three-dimensional view from above.
To begin with, I developed a "building plan" :) - just without any measurements and drawing tools sketched the location of buildings on the lid of the box.
Then in the center I have determined the location of the patio.
After that, I started a very interesting work – the transformation of flat roofs plan in three-dimensional houses.
For this purpose it is necessary to use rules of construction of the perspective image (I did perspective with one vanishing point)
Figure out, select and draw a point at which converge all the high wall of the house, a lamp post (by the way, why didn't I do the lanterns?), legs and backs of benches, tree trunks (if they are not covered with a tree)...
This point can be placed anywhere - its position will depend on the appearance of the image. By the way, it is very interesting to move the vehicle( vanishing point) and see what happens)).
After the vehicle was selected, I began to draw the facades of buildings.
To do this, from all points of the roof draw lines to the vehicle.
First, draw the front facades-lines leading from the corners of the roof in the vehicle to the intersection with the line of the planned courtyard.
Then draw the remaining facades, as shown in the figure. Pay attention! : there are only 3 kinds of lines in our drawing:
1. vertical
2. horizontal
3. lines going to the vehicle.
We all either parallel to the roof, or( all vertical lines) in the vehicle.
For example, a sketch on paper.
For buildings not facing the facade on the line of the yard, the height is drawn arbitrarily( green outline)
This is what it looked like on my box.
To give an even more realistic look to our drawing raise the roof and draw the windows:
1. — if the roof is gable and the center passes the ridge...
a. connect the facade of one of the two extreme points of the ridge with the vehicle
b. raise it to an arbitrary height
c. from the new point lay off the segment equal to the length of the ridge and strictly parallel to it( in my case 3,5)- green line.
d. the resulting new second point of the ridge is connected to the corners of the roof
- if the roof is four-pitched...
a. connect the center point( intersection) with the vehicle.and raise to an arbitrary height
b. connect the corners of the roof to the new Central point
P.S. If the long house 4-pitched roof with a ridge, then raise both points, as in the case of (b)
2. If work allows, do the detail of the houses — draw windows and doors by the same rules of perspective.
a. we plan the number of floors( the closer they are to the ground, the smaller the windows look)
b. the proposed width of the windows( directly on the roof to divide the facade into segments need) All the lines on the facade are in the vehicle
B. find the intersection of lines and draw windows
G. if desired, windows and doors can be done on the side facades — all floors there are transferred through the edge of the house.
At my work, I raised the roof and began to outline the windows, but then painted over, because I decided to make them smaller and already on the finished walls :)
Go to the tint of the picture.
First, the simplest stage — underpainting. We outline the main color spots – lay out the main colors on the sketch.
Then determine which side in the diagram the sun is shining and contemplated the bright areas are bright colors and the shaded areas with dark shades.
Especially good effect is a light visible on the roofs.
Now more carefully working out the texture of the crowns of trees, lawns, paths, facades, alternating strokes of different shades of the same color.
We add shadows from high elements of the picture — they are cast in the direction "from the sun". The higher the sun ( at noon), the shorter the shadows.
We detail the picture: draw windows-doors (if they are not made at the stage of drawing), add flowers to the flower beds, make more visible glare on the roofs of houses.
And once again check if all the shadows are drawn. If necessary, add.
And now enhance the feeling of height, placing over the houses some object in the sky. I have this kite, which are engaged tiny girl the bottom).
I covered the painting with matte acrylic lacquer and painted the sides and back of the box with brown paint of different shades.
And at that moment the shape of the box gave me the idea to make a handbag out of it.
Two trends of the season: tiny handbags and painted wooden handbags, I decided to bring one of my painted baby :).
Of course, to make a practical handbag size 9 to 10 cm is very difficult, but some things (key, lipstick, handkerchief, watches), it can be worn.
In order to make it easier, I made an inner pocket of a piece of cardboard (the size of the bottom of the handbag) and leather.
The leather I cut with a margin that the pocket was not flat. I put a button on it.
I drilled holes in the sides of the box and inserted grommets.
Through the holes let in a leather cord, the tip of which is tied inside a knot-turned belt: a long handle that can be adjusted in length.
And this is the result, I got a thing :).
It seems to be all :). Thank you for your attention!