Perspective. It used to scare me.
When I studied it, it was something terrible and incomprehensible, but it's not so scary if you understand it!
We will focus on the frontal perspective and the remote point.
What to start with? We are given the size of the room, for example, 3 m heigh, 4 m wide. Select the desired scale, and draw a rectangle. (I took 1:75)
Determine the horizon line (HL) and draw it (usually, this level is 1.70 m).
Further, determine where will be the vanishing point (VP). Choose upon the center. Draw lines from the VP through the corners of the room (A,B,C,D), and then, close them to get the second rectangle (A1,B1,C1,D1). It is the room.
How to determine the depth? For example, the depth of the room is 5 m. Measure the bottom line, (at any scale, in my case, it is 14 cm), and you need to divide the length into 5 equal segments (if the room was 7 m deep, you would divided by 7). Make notes on the bottom line (I divided 14 by 5 and got 2.8, making marks).
Then you need the remote point (RP)!
Take the lower left corner (D1) of the room and draw a diagonal through the upper corner of the room (C) and draw a line to the intersection with VP. So you have found RP.
Now, you are to connect all the markers to the RP.
On your side of the crossings appeared, they are the metres you need. Draw parallels through them, do the same with the rest of the lines.
Please, note that all dimensions are measured upon the back wall! Then you can decorate your room!