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Gift to girl

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Spectacles case with zipper Materials and tools: embroidery for the front of the spectacles case (you can just take beautiful fabric), fabric for the back of the case and lining (these fabrics can be different), thin flizelin (if you have dense fabric, this position is unnecessary), collar ...
30.05.2019 14:30  |  
I want to share with you how I felted these penguins. They have a movable head, arms and legs.  The first thing we do is roll three balls, a bigger one for the head and two smaller for cheeks.  Felt the cheeks to the head. Make the back of the head, moving to the nose on the face ...
Aries Jewellery that will make you stand out in the crowd. Take red, gold colors and non-trivial design solutions. Aries always want to shine, so you should choose something that you fall in love with at first sight: a catchy pendant with a scarlet rose, a gold watch with a red leather strap and the ...
The king of all fruits — so in the East is called crowned pomegranate. Its unique taste is a real decoration for both daily and festive dishes. The beneficial properties of this fruit have been known for ages. The fruit is a large berry with many juicy ruby grains, which are used in food, covered ...
28.02.2019 16:26  |  
Very pleasant and warm holiday of March 8 is coming. This holiday smells like spring, all women are dressed up, beautiful, smiling. Personally, I want the holiday to be every day :) and beautiful, unique gifts will be able to extend this feeling of spring and beauty. Here, I will give examples that ...

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