1. Decorating eggs
When we think about what is so beautiful to come up with for an Easter decor, the first thing we remember, of course, is about coloring eggs. In stores today, dyes and sets for decoration are very, very much, for every taste and purse. Attention! At the end of the article, I will share my experience and photos of coloring with karkade tea and red cabbage. Read to the end! :)
And now I'll show you the simplest and funniest ideas:
- eggs-unicorns. The horn can be made from foil, and the eyes can be drawn with a marker. Girls will definitely like it :)
- cosmic egg. This effect is just given by karkade tea and cabbage, read at the end.
- eggs-bunnies. Ears made of felt or cardboard, tendrils made of lace.
- eggs with a wreath. Here everything is simple, to find small flowers.
2. Kulich as a work of art
I just love cooking, especially baking. Therefore, on the topic of cakes, I could write a separate article :) But the idea of decorating the cake is quite simple — throw out the store's sprinkles and turn on the imagination!
- wrap the cake in beautiful paper. Or even not in a beautiful, but in the usual craft, as in the photo:
- make a colored glaze. Just add a drop of food coloring at the very end of the glaze mixing — and it already looks unusual and festive! Yes, and also note that the cakes in the photo below are tied with a satin ribbon:
- use instead of sprinkling: nuts (whole and crushed), almond petals (you can pre-fry), homemade candied fruits, dried fruits (for example, whole raisins, prunes and dried apricots), poppy seeds, chocolate slices, small marshmallows or meringues:
- as well as dried or boiled oranges in syrup. They themselves are insanely delicious, and even more so in a cake! And they look like! Simple and stylish!
- even ready-made cookies, such as macaroons, will be used:
- Swiss meringue instead of the usual one. This is a recipe for icing, not on raw whites. There are many advantages: the proteins are subjected to heat treatment, the glaze does not crumble and is convenient to work with, and the most important plus is that it can be burned from a burner!
Cooking is not difficult and not scary, be sure to try it!
3. Making an edible wreath.
- from the test;
Take your favorite yeast dough recipe and let your imagination run wild! You can weave a large wreath, as a common basket for eggs, or a small wreath-a basket for one or two eggs. On the table looks very impressive!
- meringue or cream;
Here again, you will need a recipe for Swiss meringue and a pastry syringe (bag).
- if you do not want to bother at all, you can use a ready-made tartlet as a nest and fill it with decorative eggs. Eggs can be made from marzipan or mastic. You can also buy store-bought nuts / raisins in glaze — they are very similar to quail eggs :)
4. We bake themed cookies.
Cookies and gingerbread in the form of Easter eggs, bunnies, chickens, etc. — the perfect decor for a bright spring holiday!
5. Decorate the cottage cheese Easter.
Easter or Easter cheese is a mandatory dish on my table. We love it very much, even though it is prepared for a week, and eaten in one night :) Cottage cheese Easter, if you make it in a special form, is beautiful in itself and does not require additional decoration. But still, you can sprinkle it on top of the poppy or raisins.
Thank you to everyone who read my selection to the end! Now I share, as promised, my experience in egg coloring.
Here's what came out that year (painted with red cabbage juice).
Cut the cabbage into pieces, you can punch it with a blender. Add the vinegar (about 2 tablespoons per 400 g) and let stand to let the juice flow. If the juice is not enough, you can add a little water.
Eggs are lowered into this solution, right along with the leaves (just because of the leaves and get divorce).
Leave from an hour to 4 hours, depending on what intensity you want the color. Remove and allow to dry, do not touch, otherwise the paint will peel off.