Easter is one of those wonderful holidays when the atmosphere of joy, kindness, and love reigns in the house...
With special inspiration, we bake fragrant cakes, pies, paint eggs, and decorate our house. To give an atmosphere of celebration and comfort will help crafts from ... egg trays! It is not difficult, they are always at hand. It is enough to show your imagination, and you will get beauty :)
By the way, the ideas are so simple that children can also participate in creating Easter decorations. After all, Easter is a family holiday!
So, with the help of egg trays, cardboard and paint, you can make charming chickens-egg stands:
Or, how about this — a chicken and a Bunny:
From the trays you can also make elegant roosters, and put a painted egg inside!
What if we make it a little more difficult?
Here is such a funny "trio"! Bettas-Siamese twins!
Another option is to attach legs made of yellow lace and felt, and now the roosters are sitting on the shelf and make us happy :)
Trays can be painted in a variety of colors, add feathers. You get bright, funny birds! Each bird has its own egg (of the same color)!
Chickens with tufts! Good!
Each chicken can be entrusted with some delicious "treasure"!
Egg trays also make colorful baskets:
They can be for several eggs, or for one:
Masters who can weave paper tubes can create these super-baskets:
And of course what is Easter without the Easter bunnies? There are so many of them!
Coming up with a craft from an egg tray, you can not be petty and use the entire box! And then you will have a beautiful Cockerel in your house!
If you really seriously approach the question, you can get such a luxurious Cockerel! It's hard to believe, because every feather, head, and scallop is from ordinary egg trays!
Festive wreaths look very elegant in the interior:
You can cut the tray in a variety of ways, and then the flowers will turn out to be fancy and original:
And here is another way to make a delicate bouquet of primroses from egg packages:
...or an elegant panel:
And how beautiful and unusual daffodils made in this technique!
And here's the idea:
In General, it is not necessary to cut, paint, glue.... It is enough to take the egg packaging, arrange the eggshells nicely, and have a little decoration.... VOA La! Our festive table is decorated with a wonderful composition of flowers!
There is not much time left before the Bright Easter holiday. Have you already started preparing?