Good day! I want to introduce you to a small MK on decorative lop-eared rabbit.
Carried away by the process of felting, I forgot to take photos of some processes, so if there are questions – ask)
Materials that we will need:
- Wool
- Needles 38 "star", 40 "star" and reverse 40.
- Glass eyes (I used purchased ones).
- For convenience-felting brush and holder for 7 needles.
Find a photo of a cute rabbit on the Internet
And get to work)
We make a blank for the head, outlining the eye sockets, the bridge of the nose and the mouth with the nose.
The head is still postponed. Moving on to the body.
Do not forget about the characteristic bend.
Connect the head to the body.
And we move on to making paws. First we'll make the front ones
Privlevel legs to the body
The hind legs will be made of two parts.
First, make a hip.
And we put it in its proper place
seal where necessary-add wool.
Now we will do the hock joint (the lower part of the hind leg, which is pressed to the ground when the animal is sitting).
And we stick it to the lower part of the thigh
The same manipulations are performed with the second back foot.
Back to the head again. Making ears. It is more convenient to do on a brush and several needles at once (you can use a needle holder or, if there is no such, link several needles with an elastic band)
Leaning against the head
Insert the eyes.
On the body of the rabbit, I applied a little more white wool (breast) and a little darker. After processing with the reverse needle, slightly noticeable shades will appear. You don't have to do this)
Do not forget to make eyelids. Unfortunately, I was so carried away that I forgot to take a photo of this process.
Attach the tail.
Now that all the body parts are in place, we begin to seal and level the surface. Then take the reverse needle and start to process carefully so that the fluffiness is uniform. Cut off the extra hairs.
A little tinted dry pastel face.
And here's what happens in the end)
I hope you enjoyed my master class. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Thanks for your attention!