I think many masters are familiar with the work of Eva Thyssen. I personally find her work very inspiring, sometimes I dare to repeat her motives, but of course I still have to grow to her level.
Today I will tell you and show you how to make my jewelry.
Creating jewelry from polymer clay in the technique of filigree or, in another way, applique, requires: accuracy, patience, a sense of color and skill.
To create the presented earrings, we will need:
- metal base for earrings — 2 PCs;
- shvenzy — 2 PCs (I immediately took the assembled version of the base);
- baked polymer clay Fimo (in my opinion, it is best suited here). For the base, the following colors are needed: blue with sequins (I took Fimo Effect 302), white and olive. For the flowers, I chose the following colors by mixing: rich pink, lighter pink, brown-gold, cold green, dark red,light beige with yellow. In the photo, the colors will be clearer.
- needle;
- office knife;
- hard, smooth surface for working with clay (for example, tile);
- and, of course, our pens :)
Necessary conditions: clean hands and work surface.
So, let's get started. Mix the colors for the base of blue and white clay, approximately in the proportions as in the photo.
After adding olive-colored clay.
We add it so much that in the end we get this color, like the color of the sea wave.
Take the metal bases for earrings and the resulting ball.
Now you need to divide our ball exactly in half. To do this, do the following manipulations with the ball:
The resulting halves are rolled into two balls.
Now we use our fingers and palms as much as possible. Take one ball, roll it between the palms of your hands.
the inner size of the base and apply to it. So with the second ball.
Take the base with clay, press down the clay with the middle of the palm (where there is a small recess) and level our clay with your finger along the edges of the frame (pressing down if necessary and stroking with your finger).
It is important to make sure that the clay lies exactly on the entire surface of the setting.
We do everything also with the second base.
On one forum on needlework I read that some people think that a smooth and smooth surface of clay is obtained only by pre-baking and peeling. In my experience, if you do everything as described above, pre-baking and peeling is not required. Of course, the presence of the setting-basis simplifies the smoothing process.
So, we got these "canvases" for creativity.
In advance, I prepared such sausages of the colors we need.
Take a green color with a needle, in such an amount that you can roll out a thin sausage for the longest branch of our "tree of flowers".
Carefully take the sausage with a needle and use it and your finger to apply our twig to the base. Nail slightly press down the sausage along its entire length.
This way we spread all the "tree", looking at the photo.
Repeat the entire process with the second base.
In the end, it should turn out something like this.
I apply flowers from the bottom up. From below, most large flowers are located, from above — small. The very first flower will be red. Take the red clay with a needle.
A small piece of clay is rolled on the palm of your hand with your finger. It is important that the clay is uniform and does not crumble! It should work like this.
Take a needle carefully and apply it to the beginning of the "tree", drawing a groove from the middle to the end of the petal, thereby pressing it to the base.
Then we also apply each petal in a circle. At the end of the flower slightly press down with your finger.
Continue to apply flowers from the bottom up.
The lower pink flowers are applied with a dark shade, the upper pink flower is light. The hearts of the flowers are made with a small ball of clay and pressed lightly with a nail.
All the flowers are in place. The picture looks incomplete. Apply additional petals to the colors with a light shade corresponding to each.
Until the picture is complete, we apply the leaves where they are appropriate, and also apply the finishing touches in the form of small dots.
The picture is ready! We perform the same way and the second earring.
There will always be differences in earrings, because we are not robots :) But they look harmonious.
The stage of baking clay has come. Put the earrings on a glass surface (or on foil) and place in the oven, preheated to 110 degrees for 15 minutes. It is important to set a timer or set an alarm.
Remove the earrings from the oven and allow them to cool completely. You can put them in cold water for quick cooling.
Now we separate the frozen clay from the metal surface. Sometimes it moves away, sometimes I touch it with a nail or a needle, I want to do it carefully and in an inconspicuous place (for example, at the bottom of the earring).
Glue the clay to the metal base using superglue-gel or glue for polymer clay. It is important to apply the glue in a moderate amount, so that when pressed, the glue does not leak out.
After applying the glue to the metal base, carefully apply the clay on top and press it with your finger. We give time to grapple-about three minutes. It is important to apply the clay immediately correctly, since the reaction is fast.
And now, the earrings are ready!
I hope the lesson was useful to you :)
Thank you for your attention!
Sincerely, Oksana.