Joining the New Year mice-insanity, I suggest you a tutorial on mice-ativity!
I will show you how you can easily and simply make a cute and cozy accessory.
This mouse brooch is for little and big girls who can't live without little joys!
It nestles comfortably on knitted sweaters, hats and scarves. But it can decorate a jacket, coat or handbag.
The tutorial turned out to be very detailed, I am sure that any "strong-willed" will cope!
In order to create a brooch, we will need:
- fur for miniature (I use short-pile plush "Peppy");
- thin felt;
- scissors;
- needle;
- the basis for a brooch;
- super strong thread (I have madeira No. 35);
- synthetic insulation;
- eyes for toys (or a pair of small beads, diameter about 4 mm);
- polymer clay of white and pink color;
- dry pastel two shades of pink;
- brush for shading;
2-3 hours of free time and good mood!
The pattern for the brooch measuring 4 cm in height and 8 cm in width is the wingspan of the ears.
Please note: the pattern is given without seam allowances. When cutting out, add about 4 mm on each side.
Start with the ears! Fold the front side of the plush and felt. Details of the pattern are transferred to this sandwich.
Do not forget about the direction of the pile (on the pattern it is indicated by an arrow)
Such large details I sew on a sewing machine without cutting out. I sew and then I cut.
If you sew with your hands, use the seam "back needle".
The bottom of the ears leave unshaded.
Cut out, turn out.
Check that the ears are the same size.
Legs, wings....the main thing a tail!
And for our mouse — ears are important.
They have all the charisma, so to speak.
Let's do the tinting. Tinted felt side, that is, the part that will be inside.
For ruddy ears use grated dry pastel two shades of pink.
I use a flat makeup brush. Very convenient thing.
First, tinting the ear with a light tone, slightly not reaching the edges. Like this:
Then a shade darker, crimson, "deepen" the tone inside the ear.
Get this effect of translucency.
Important point!
Be SURE to fix the tinting with any fixative.
Otherwise then you'll get your ears all over the place.
If you do not have such a useful thing as I have in the photo, you can use ordinary hairspray.
But don't overdo it.
One short zilch will be enough.
And now we roll up the ears with a tube .
Sew the corners and sew them in the middle.
It should turn out like this petal:
Well, half the mouse is ready.
Now let us create its head.
Transfer the details of the head to the plush and cut out.
Do not forget about the direction of the pile and seam allowances!
Such parts need 2 PCs.
One of them will be the face (see the eyes?), and the second-the back of the head.
On the FRONT part, where the pile, attach the ears, taking into account the marking of their placement on the pattern.
Basting seam firmly fix first one eye...
...and then, on top of it, the second.
Make sure that the ears are not displaced, sewn firmly and symmetrically.
Cut through the middle of the second part (the back of the head) about 1.5 cm
Through this hole we will turn the head.
And now the most painstaking stage.
Fold the parts inside the front sides and carefully, slowly, begin to sew them.
In order to avoid skew, sew first one side from the bottom (from the nose) up, and then similarly, the other.
This stage I recommend to sew hands seam "back needle".
Be careful not to accidentally grab the ears in the seam. They should be sewn only in places of fastening.
Gently remove the basting, which fixed the ears.
Pull them through the hole...
.... you are turning it out...
and TA-daam! Hello, mouse!
And here is and girlfriend came running!
It's time to do the design of the muzzle!
Let's map out the location of the peephole.
To do this, lay on the front of the paper pattern and sharpened pencil, through the holes in the pattern, draw on the muzzle of the point
Make sure the pattern is flat.
We don't need crooked eyes, do we?
Although... perhaps, in this, too, there is its charm!
We remove the paper pattern, and the eyes - here they are!
It's time to gain volume!
Fill the head with sintepuh as tightly as you want it to be voluminous.
I love big cheeks — so stuff the head as long as there is enough space inside.
Sew the hole with a secret seam.
Proceed to the tightening.
We thread a double thread into the needle, insert it in the middle of the occipital suture and bring the needle to the point of the intended eye.
We go back, and now just pull the place for the second eye.
The thread is properly tightened, achieving a uniform tightening, and do the fastening.
I clip twice. As a precaution.
Thread trim is not required. We'll need it later."
This is how it looks from the back of the head.
It's time to sew the basis for the brooch.
If the mouse in the future will not be tied scarf, the basis for the brooch should be placed on the head above, so that it does not outweigh.
Our baby will have a scarf, so we fasten the basis in the middle.
Sew three or four stitches. Prosecka not heavy, this will be enough.
Carefully, sewing, do not prick.
Almost done!
It remains to install the eyes! It is possible to insert them as they are, that was just eyes-balls.
But I wanted to be touching, so we will sculpt the available eye whites.
And still need to do a nose.
Therefore, we prepare a clean working space, a tool (maybe a toothpick) and bake polymer clay.
White-two balls with a diameter of 2 mm (half the diameter of the eye)
Pink-a ball with a diameter of about 5 mm
From pink clay form an oval cake-the nose is ready!:)
We put it aside.
A ball of white clay lalalives with one hand underneath the eye and pressed against him.
We do the same with the second eye.
It is convenient to work by fixing the eye rod with pliers.
I hold the pliers with one hand and stick the clay with the other.
We send the nose and eyes to bake.
While I bake the eyes with a spout, once again check the symmetry of the landing of the eyes and make holes in these places with an awl, sufficient for a pin to pass through them.
After baking, I lubricate the tip of the eye pin with glue, (I Have a gel, transparent),
and carefully place in these holes eyes with whites.
While the glue is not dry, it is possible to twist the eyes and find the most advantageous position for them.
I liked it so:
Nose, nose do not forget to stick!
Well, I congratulate you! Our Mysore almost ready, but...
something's missing, isn't it?
What kind of mouse without a mustache and rosy cheeks?
Cheeks tinted pastel...
And now let us to do moustache:)
Like this:
The needle devem double thin thread of white colour and stitched cheeks 2 times.
Cut the strings.. that's got a fluffy mustache:)
Not alone:
Left to decorate mysony on your taste.
It can be a bow, a flower, a crown, a hat... it can be anything!
And can be and without embellishments, - brooch and without them good!
I decided to tie a scarf — winter is still on the nose. I want to be insulated.
And you figure out for yourself what YOUR mouse will look like.
I will be grateful if you show me what a baby you have!
I wish you more creative ideas and good mood! :)