Do you remember how in the old tales the heroes met forest witches, who mastered mushrooms, berries and wisdom? I always wanted to meet such a goblin, so that he amused me with his riddle and pointed out the right way. It is this bright memory of childhood inspired me to create a "forest" florarium. Here is the instruction.
Step 1. We choose the time and place in such a way that you were left at least an hour to yourself and nothing distracted from the creative process. Those who believe in the use of the lunar calendar, may additionally consult with it. For example, I managed to free an hour a day, which is considered a fertile time for plants and karmic ideas.
Step 2. We prepare the place and material for the process. In my case, I picked up two types of moss: coral moss (Nertera) and green forest moss (Sphagnum). The first one pleases with decorative bright orange fruits, loves warmth and moisture. Therefore, it is convenient to grow it in florariums, where the glass scatters light and keeps the humidity level. The second one evenly absorbs moisture and holds it for a long time, and thanks to its antiseptic properties prevents the development of bacteria and all kinds of fungi, including harmful plants.
A vase in the form of a mushroom will serve as a container: diameter is 16 cm, height is 15 cm. Decorative elements for florarium are stones of different sizes, textures and in the sunny autumn range, red and yellow sand, cones, twigs, dried flowers.
Step 3. Fill the bottom of the vase with stones and sand — for draining and decoration. The second layer will be soil. It is best if it is a mixture in equal parts, consisting of turf, leaf, humus soil, with the addition of peat and sand.
The soil needs to be moistened so that it sank a little, but it is not necessary to fill it completely. Next, make a deepening of the roots for the plant.
Step 4. We distribute the plants on the florarium. Here you are completely free and can rely on your intuition, examples from life, books or the Internet, or, say, on Feng Shui.
For example, some argue that moss brings well-being to the house. And if you consider that moss loves shade, it is very successful to place it in the North-East or North of the room: according to Feng Shui, it is a zone of wisdom and career. That is, in fact, wherever you later put a florarium with moss, it will help you to improve yourself and become more wealthy in the spiritual and material sense. I think this arrangement will not hurt anyone, but I digress :)
I planted Nertera in the center, and on the edges are the green moss (for him I put a bit of soil as well).
Step 5. Decorate. It was originally conceived as a piece of the forest, I added in the arrangement pinecones, twigs, warm stones and dried flowers. I refused to use artificial decor, because I wanted naturalness. Forth copiously sprayed water and has put florarium on the place, where initially stood the living "components", so that the stress from transplantation was a bit smoothed with habitual temperature and illumination.
Afterword. My "forest" florarium is a live composition, so it is necessary to say a few words about caring for it. The main requirements are a constant supply of fresh air at a temperature not lower than 10 degrees (in winter), and not more than 22 degrees (in summer), shade or partial shade. Spraying should be moderate in winter and more intense in summer. The glass walls of the vase help to feel the optimal level of humidity — through you can see how wet the soil is, and if there is condensation on them — watering is not exactly required.