With the onset of autumn, everyone begins to cough and sneeze, and everyone's favorite drink is tea. Even in coffee shops, in the fall many do not order a favorite cappuccino, but a teapot of fragrant tea. It is useful to drink at cold and it is pleasant to slurp during occupation by needlework. But in autumn I usually do not want a strong leaf tea, but something bright and vitaminized – same as the time of year. I offer you 5 of my favorite autumn tea recipes.
How to brew sea-buckthorn tea: recipe 1
This is one of the most popular drinks in autumn! Even those who do not like sea buckthorn, have tender feelings for this tea! But it turns out that many do not know how to make sea buckthorn tea. The recipe is, in fact, quite simple:
- 100 gr of sea buckthorn
- 3 large orange slices
- 2 teaspoons of honey
- dried ginger on the tip of a knife (for piquancy)
It is most convenient to make such tea in a French press. You need to put all the ingredients in a flask, thoroughly pound and pour hot water. After a couple of minutes, you can lower the piston of the French press and pour tea into cups! The main thing is not to overdo it with ginger, otherwise the tea will become too spicy. If you do not like this spice, you can replace it with cinnamon or do not add it at all. The recipe is designed for about 300 ml of tea, but it is easy to calculate the desired volume.
How to make ginger tea: recipe 2
The recipe of tea with ginger is quite simple and very popular in America and Europe. There, this tea is considered one of the main remedies for colds. It is easy to understand why: with such a set of vitamins, diseases cannot harm you!
- ginger root
- 2 lemon wedges
- 2 teaspoons of honey
- mint
This tea can also be prepared using a French press or directly in a cup. First you need to cut the ginger root into thin slices and pour boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes. Then add a couple of slices of lemon, mash it to let the juice out, add honey and mint and mix. The healing drink is ready!
How to brew rosehip tea: recipe 3
Rosehip is quite self-sufficient — you can make a brew from it without adding other ingredients. But since we're talking about tea today, here's a recipe for how to brew tea with rosehips.
- black tea
- rosehip (fresh or dried)
- anise star
There is nothing complicated: you just need to pour all the ingredients with hot water and let it brew. If the rosehip is fresh, you need to chop it into smaller pieces, and it is better to pound thoroughly the dried one. Some recommend a 1:1 ratio of berries and tea, but the more rosehips you add, the more intense the taste will be.
How to make spicy Indian masala tea: recipe 4
This recipe came to us from India and has been gaining popularity year by year. It has already appeared in many of our coffee shops, but it can be prepared at home. The taste is unusual, and not everyone likes tea with milk, but I still advise you to try it! Here's how to make masala tea:
- 100 ml of water
- 200 ml of milk
- 1 teaspoon of black tea
- 2 caps of dried cloves
- pinch of cinnamon
- pinch of cardamom
- ground ginger on the tip of a knife
- nutmeg on the tip of a knife
- black pepper on the tip of a knife
- anise star
- sugar to taste
Mix everything, bring to boil and cook on low heat for 5-7 minutes. After that, pour into cups, passing through a strainer.
How to make grandma's tea: recipe 5
But the most favorite option in case of a cold for me is tea with lemon and honey. When I was little, this drink was made by my grandmother, so I called it "grandma's tea." The recipe is simple:
- black tea
- lemon
- honey
Grandmother did not spare honey, so the tea turned out very sweet, despite the lemon, and even became lighter. Now I make this tea myself as soon as I start coughing: it helps to ease the pain in my throat and makes me feel better. However, it's not that tasty as it used to be when it was brew by my grandmother.
I love these recipes, but I advise you to experiment. Surely the combination of ingredients from different recipes can be unexpectedly delicious! And instead of the missing ingredients, you can add something else — the result can also pleasantly surprise. For example, when I chose a photo of tea from rose hips, I found a picture of a cup with rosehips and sea buckthorn:
So, someone likes this combination :)
What are your favorite tea recipes? Let's share tips in the comments!