Finally, I made another detailed tutorial and it is dedicated to the pumpkin-pot. Due to the constant creative need for different containers for products, the idea was born to create a pumpkin and use it as a pot (let's call it so). Get ready for the fact that modeling requires a lot of time, perseverance, cleanliness and good mood (the latter is needed everywhere). The production will take about 1 day (take into account the time of complete drying of the form). Now, without further introductory information, we move on to the tutorial.
1. The first thing to start with is the selection of materials. I used Paperclay clay (Padico, Japan), scissors, PVA glue, a foam ball (10 cm), a modeling mat, a stack, a knife, a water container and a paper cup that is not presented on the photo below.
2. Take a foam ball and make the future bottom of our pumpkin. Cut off a small part and try to do it carefully and smoothly, as the cut out part is also useful to us :)
3. Now on the opposite side, cut off the more inclined part. The arrows show how much I have one part tilted in relation to the other.
4. We get this form for the future pumpkin. You can do smooth cuts at the top, here is how your imagination will tell you :)
5. Now take a paper cup and make it the future depth of the pumpkin. When using a foam ball with a diameter of 10 cm, the size of the future depth on the cup is 4 cm.
6. Take the foam form and put the on the beveled part. Note the size, as we are going to shape the pumpkin depth according to it.
7. That's the line we need to cut in depth. I recommend cutting foam with a hot knife. It's faster and cleaner. Accurately cutting out the necessary size it is possible to easily receive a desirable depth. Attention: foam is very easy to melt, do not start to lead the knife straight along the contour, otherwise the size of the cut-out part will be wider than the cup. Work carefully and do not make deep, sharp movements.
8. In the resulting hole paste the cut capacity of the paper cup. Glue with ordinary PVA.
9. That's how I did it. The walls are tight to the form. Even if somewhere the height does not fit into the hole, do not worry, you can always cut off the excess.
10. Preparing for modeling. To prepare the workplace, get a bit of water for wetting hands, take a mat (we will roll on it), stack, PVA glue. Clay is a little "dirtying" hands and place where it is. For the formation of the pumpkin, it took me about 300-400 gr. of clay. Opening the package, it is best to cut an approximate piece and put in plastic wrap. This piece we will have for work and while we sculpt the fibers, the rest will not dry out. Tightly wrap the main piece with cling film, so the clay will retain its quality and will be suitable until the next molding.
11. Form a dense sausage of clay. Make it narrower at the ends. It should be plump. Do not forget to wrap up the rest of the piece of clay and do not leave in the air.
12. Another photo of the formation of pumpkin fibers. Looking at my hands you can see how the clay leaves a mark :)
13. Apply glue to the form, where the first "fiber" of the pumpkin will be located.
14. Put the clay and begin to distribute the edges. Use the hands, stack and shape the convex part in the middle. Make the edges smooth and smooth them as much as possible in shape.
15. Now in a circle of foam form begin to form a pumpkin with clay. Make different convex parts (like pumpkin) and edge-to-iron stack. Use water to wet your fingers and smooth the clay if the clay hardens. In this process, there is no need to rush anywhere. The clay itself is easy to form, well smoothed.
16. Plastering the entire foam form with clay, I take the stack and form additional depressions in each part and make round prints with a ball. All of this do on fantasies :)
17. Leave our form and take a large piece of clay to form the bottom. On the mat begin to roll the clay to 0.5 cm wide. Don't make it thin. Do a smooth rolling over the entire surface.
18. Do the necessary measurement of the future bottom. I have coincided with the lid of the jam:), attached to the clay and cut with scissors the required size.
19. Use PVA glue, apply and begin to smooth the edges. Using the stack of water (if necessary) make a neat edge.
20. Do not leave joints. Smooth as gently as possible.
21. I use a washcloth to dry the mold. Leave for a while, since I prefer to form the whole pumpkin at once, yet fresh all the parts of the pumpkin. We will need a washcloth for the next stage of work, since now everything is done on it.
22. Turn our pumpkin and take a small piece of clay for the final part.
23. Take a small stripe and begin to glue on the top of our pumpkin. Hands, stack (as convenient) give shape, smooth the edges on all sides. Do not rush, work carefully, do not press hard. Smooth all the joints.
24. That's what happened to me. All the joints are smoothed, in some places added stripes, dents for decoration.
25. Now form the lid. We still have the cutting part, we'll use it. Prepare the workplace, some water, a mat, clay, PVA glue. Wire for the future of the tail and its attachment.
26. Roll out part of the clay to form the bottom of the lid. Cut with scissors to the required size.
27. Use PVA glue, clay and begin to form the desired size.
28. On the analogy of sculpting the pumpkin and make a lid. Sculpt, smooth, decorate with additional elements if desired. Do not forget to cover any joints.
29. Form a tail. Sculpt it from the remaining piece of clay and make it the necessary structure. All sorts of cracks on the tail specially smoothed, as I wanted to give it just such a structure.
30. Insert the wire and attach the glue to the lid.
31. Carefully fasten the tail to the lid, do not press hard, as the clay is still fresh.
32. Leave to dry. I looked through my pumpkin 2-3 times in the first moments of drying. Clay can make small cracks, they can be smoothed out.
33. This is the finished form after 24 hours. When dried, the clay is slightly wavy, not smooth. I like this structure, because when painted it looks very natural, without grated shine.
34. The last photo I'll show you how I decorated the pumpkin and what I did with it:) I chose green color. Flowers sculpted from cold porcelain. Used it as a container for the composition. I hope the tutorial will be useful for you. Please do not judge strictly, because I'm just learning:) Good luck in your work!