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My name is Nadezhda Krivenko and in this tutorial I want to show you a quick way to create olive leaves from foamiran.
Such leaves can be used in interior compositions, in wreaths for hair or just as a decor element.
The process is very simple. From one piece you can create several beautiful and natural leaves, after which you may assemble the branch.
To do this, I use marshmallow and Iranian foamiran, as well as nylon thread and wire.
Leaves are realistic, with a thin lithon and wire frame.
You can use foamiran of different colors, the main thing that when thinning with iron, Iranian foamiran should be on top of marshmallow one.
In the same way, you can create leaves and rod-shaped eucalyptus, only slightly change the shape when cutting.
When gluing the lint into the leaf, I use an adhesive rod. I told about this method in my video titled "
You may remove glue from the iron with a napkin.
To make the leaf look natural, you can use oil pastel or oil paint.
In the video, I did not talk about the assembly of the twig, but I want to say that it is easier to collect it with threads, not glue. That is, I fastened each leaf with threads to the main branch and then treated with a tape or strip of thinned marshmallow foamiran.
I will show you the creation of the olives in the next video. They are made entirely of silicone glue, painted with oil pastels.
I invite you to watch the video :)