I want to share with you how I felted these penguins. They have a movable head, arms and legs.
The first thing we do is roll three balls, a bigger one for the head and two smaller for cheeks.
Felt the cheeks to the head.
Make the back of the head, moving to the nose on the face, with black wool. Felt.
Mark the eyes. Glue the eyes with a super glue.
Felt eyelids from black wool.
Attach to the eye, cut off the excess and felt.
Then, begin to raise the eyelid with a needle, as if shaping it. Make the second eye the same way.
Take pins and discs. Insert the splint into the disc.
Apply a little glue on the disc and glue to the place where the head and the body connect, that is, to the bottom of the head.
Put a piece of wool on the cotter pin and felt this piece to the head.
Next, you need to dump a small piece and put it on the splint. Put on another disk on the splint.
Take round pliers and twist the ends of the splinter.
Preparing the body, arms and legs.
On the body where the neck is, make a hole with a needle. Take the head, apply glue on the disc and insert it into the recess of the body and press. Place wool on the body and felt. So you get a movable head. Do the same with the legs and arms.
I made the nose and claws from baked plastic and glued them to the penguin. I fluffed wool with the top of the needle and slightly trimmed.
The penguin is born! I will be glad if someone finds my tutorial useful!