Żenia Kli Zafska, known online as TheLadyMoth, lives in Cambridge, the UK. This is a famous artisan, whose tutorials are very popular among those who want to learn needle and wet felting. Kind and touching stories are inspired by nature and the most beautiful views that surround the artist every day. The themes of Żenia's works changed from time to time, but they were always connected with the living world, and my favorite "series" is sleeping animals and birds. Chanterelles, hares, field mice and even bats cause a feeling of trembling kindness, warmth, fragility and desire to protect these trusting kids who hug their tails in their sleep and can fall asleep even in a teaspoon :)
Another good series of the atists — stylized, but well-recognizable birds. Most often the woman settles them on wreaths.
Here is beautiful Lady herself:
These are the places where she walks. Inspiration is provided, isn`t it?
I want to show two more works that I like outside the series.
This is the fox angel, meeting the first snow. These wings are so delicate!
The felt shark, just because I'm always inspired by the marine world, reflected in needlework :)
Do you like animals? Do you want to hug some native kitten? :)