Today I will try to tell (those who are not familiar) about the Hawaiian artist John Al Hogue. The future artist began his career with the production of frames. At that time, he and his elder brother lived in Canada, and their work was initially not creative, it was related to oil. There the brothers fot interested in wood carving, photography and even sculpture. Over time, their work met great demand, and for some time they honed their skills, producing frames for large companies.
After a few years, no longer content with their position as employees, the brothers moved to Hawaii. A long-standing passion for photography and engraving did not go unnoticed, and they open their service Al's, where they made frames for art galleries and printed reproductions of paintings of famous artists.
But it was not enough for John. He had long studied the work and techniques of Leonardo da Vinci and Rembrandt, and in 1992 he took a brush. The artist, who is called a moonlight maestro, enframes his paintings himself. They are flawless, and the printing machines are unable to convey the transitions of color and light, created by John Al Hogue. Then the brothers turned to one of the best printers in the world Ernesto Clark. With his help, they copeed with the task. Now John is both an artist and a designer who fullfills the highest international standards.
Paintings by John Al Hogue are riddled with amazing light, mysterious, caressing, inviting...
Bright shades, colorful landscapes, serenity and charm. If you want to relax the soul, the creativity of the master at your service.
Look what gentle waves are ready to embrace your bare feet with their warmth, and cozy houses are always happy to shelter you.
I think that every picture of John Ol Hogue conveys his inner satisfaction that he found his calling. He loves Hawaii, and this is confirmed by each of his work.
Masterfully played every small detail: spray, leaves, foam...
Not yet cooled by the heat of the day coastal sand invites you to run along the edge of the sea...
Cozy light amiably talking with exuding the magic of the moon.
And even the waves of the surf seem friendly under the soft night sky. In the dark, and it would seem that the dark clouds, the viewer does not see the threats she leveled a view of the lovely flower gardens and beckoning track...
Stunning energy comes from all the paintings of the artist John Ol Hogue, rightly called the master of light or the master of moonlight.
Fantastic, I would say — fabulous, Hawaiian landscapes delight light pure wave, bright colors, sparkling light and warm harmony.