Part 1
It should be noted that this biggest flea market has some other, so to speak, "elite" porcelain factories. In Germany it is not only Meissen, but several other factories, but the CIS countries know only Meissen, that is why many tourists who come to this flea market hunt for this porcelain and here are the reasons. First of all, it is the first porcelain manufactory in all of Europe, more than 300 years ago this factory was opened and is still working. French Limoges and Sevres appeared later. Secondly, among the customers of Meissen porcelain were Catherine II, the Stroganovs counts, the Yusupovs princes, Carl Faberge, many royal people from around the world, so this porcelain remained popular even after 300 years, and you can find quite a lot of it in Russia, both in museums and in private collections.
But as usual, the most famous things are often forged, and the level of fakes is sometimes so high that only special analysis of paint in the laboratory and small strokes can recognize a fake thing. Such flea markets have everything: originals (above the original) and fake (but the fake of a good quality that is a dish in the photo below).
Interesting things that are gone forever: cabinets for spices. Now they are not made. Very similar to drugstore lockers. By the way, the old pharmacy chests of drawers, jars and cones can also be found here.
Design things (on the left is a series of "O Sole Mio" from Rosenthal) are next to unpretentious vintage sets. The price is the same for anything, and you can often find such tables. Here, if you understand the brands` logos, you are sure to find something valuable.
"Pavilion" of metal things: here modern "vintage" and a real vintage meet.
Such flea markets always have a lot of dolls, and toys in general. After all, many come with children for rides and at the same time visit the market. A little about this, because this is the celebration of the Springfest.
Next to the field of the mega-flea market, you can find amusement rides. There are a lot of them, for every taste and age. Early in the morning, the rides are still asleep, because in the morning only those who actually came to the flea market wake up. It looks like this:
At 10 o'clock the bright windows of cash desks are opening, the fountains are splashing, the music starts playing, horses-carousel begins moving, weirdoes are jumping out from the underground castles, mechanical animals are jumping and the fest begins. Families usually come here in national costumes. There are many stalls with traditional Bavarian food and sweets for children.
Everywhere gingerbread with wishes hang (the same are sold at Oktoberfest), many hang them on ribbons around the neck and walk like this. While the kids are having fun on the roller coasters and carousels, let`s go ahead and walk through the rows.
This is from the category "You can find anything at the flea market." By the way, I did not have time to take a picture, but I saw even saw an oil painting "Three Bogatyrs" of size up to 2 meters. And some guy was carrying a lifeline from some ship. Where they here from?
There are also stands with folk art: here a local craftsman makes metal animals (and one crab:))
There are also many handbags, including embroidered. They are popular and beloved at any flea market in Germany. There are packed pavilions with handbags. It is like you eneter the wardrobe of some lady: "bunches" of bags hang from the ceiling, bag on the walls and on the tables... at the stands... guess what? :))
I note the positive mood of the walkers and sellers, everything goes cheerfully. Even under the rain. When it was raining and someone occasionally sneezed, he could here "Bless you!" from everywhere.
Here I witnessed a cute conversation: girl (stands with her back) wants to know why the seller placed a squirrel so high.
Seller: She loves to eat, so we put her away, otherwise she will eat everything.
Girl: Oh, can I invite her to my place? She'll like it, I promise to feed her :))
Prices on toys at this flea market (except for antique toys of course) are low, around 1-5 Euros for any toy, puzzle, constructor and so on, and the happy girl with the happy squirrel go further.
Well, a little more interesting....
Thank you for your attention and good feedback, I would appreciate likes and reposts. To be continued.:)