(Writing in the picture: Theatre is a special and amazing world)
"Theatre! Do you love theatre as much as I do" is a famous saying of Tatiana Doronina from the Russian film "Elder Sister", which was taken by Alexander Volodin from the article by Vissarion Belinsky.
I can't imagine my life without theatre! Some of my relatives and friends call me an "avid theatre-goer", others call me a "theatrical maniac", but no matter what, I have been in love with theatre since my childhood. There was a moment in my life when it seemed to me that I chose the wrong profession and I had to go to the Academy of Theatre Arts to become an actress. While still a student, in order to see the theatrical life from the inside, from behind the scenes, I went to work as a janitor in the theatre "Experiment". I was sitting at the desk of the janitor during the evening performance and got surprised when heard how actors between the entrances to the stage were talking about digging potatoes at their dachas! Being a girl with lofty feelings, I was amazed: how in the temple of art and even between the entrances to the stage, can you discuss this? Later I came to understanding that being a spectator and an actor in the theatre are very different roles, opportunities and feelings. Then I remember the joke about the difference between "tourism and migration". In the theatre I prefer the role of a "tourist", observer of passion from the audience!
I observe not only various theatrical trends, new perfomances, interesting actors and actresses, director's works, but also events around the theatrical life. One such an important event took place in the middle of April.
On April 16, 2019 the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow announced the winners of the "Golden Mask" for the 25th time. "Golden Mask" is a Russian national award and festival established in 1994 by the Union of theatrical figures on the initiative of Mikhail Ulianiv, a national artist of the USSR. The first ceremony was held in 1995. This year the selection of nominees took place in February — April in Moscow. Experts watched 1093 performances presented in more than 100 Russian cities. As a result, the number of nominees included 29 drama performances, 8 operas, 10 ballets, 9 performances of contemporary dance, 7 performances in the genre of musical/operetta and 10 puppet shows!
As a true St. Petersburg woman, of course, I was primarily interested in the theaters–winners of St. Petersburg. I'm proud to share with you!
The best drama large scale production is "Optimistic Tragedy. Farewell Ball" (Alexandrinsky Theatre)
The best costume designer is Alexander Shishkin. "Three Fat Men. Episode 1. Episode 2" (Bolshoi Drama Theatre)
The best puppetry production is "Petit Fours"
The best puppetry director is Yana Tumina, the best actress is Alisa Oleinik. "The Gerda`s Room" (Theatre “Osobnyak” (Mansion) and Yana Tumina Theatre Laboratory)
The best designer is Kira Kamalidinova. "The Village of Tightrope Walkers" (Open Space Company)
The best supporting actress is Agata Vavilova (Louisa Vampa). "Count of Monte-Cristo" (Musical Comedy Theatre)
I invite you all to go to a theatre, watch the theatrical winners and other performances! "The theatre is a true temple of art at the entrance to which you instantly separate from the Earth, forget about routine, here your cold Self disappears, dissolves in the fiery ether of love. Go, go to the theatre, live and die in it if you can!"