Many see patchwork as a lovely thing, but gaudy grandma's quilts and country rugs of wild colors.
However, this technique has long outgrown the purely utilitarian stage of "use all unnecessary". Today it is a full-fledged type of needlework, and patches turn into stylish modern things, unusual panels and pictures, looking at which you won`t guess at once that they are made from ordinary fabric patches.
Patchwork technique was born from the desire of women to save expensive fabrics in those days. Of course, they wanted to make the house cozy and beautiful, and shortage could not prevent it. Over time, shop windows got filled, and patchwork was almost forgotten.
Though the wave of global boom on needlework, artists remembered about the technique of creating cute and cozy things from fabric patches. Many people liked results. So much that "patchwork" style is now used to make whole interiors and sew haute couture for famous catwalks.
Patchwork is a traditional technique, and quilting goes a little further: a layer of filler is added and all this is quilted, so the pattern turns out to be 3D. There is another interesting kind of patchwork creation called kinyaga. Complex Japanese word did not assimilate, unlike the technique, which we often call quilting without a needle. The pattern is cut on the basis of foam, and fabric patches of suitable colors are fixed in the slots.
The main charm of patchwork techniques is that no special skills and tools are needed to get started. Of course, for a luxurious panel in the living room you will have to work hard, buy suitable fabric and practice in advance on more simple patterns. Certainly, now you can buy a lot of things that make it easier to work: special rulers, computer programs for the development of quilts, knives and mats for cutting, ready-made kits with matching patches.
However, all that is required for the first work, you already have: two hands, scissors, needle and a thread and your desire to make something useful and beautiful. For "educational" work, any fabric is suitable, for example, baby linen, from which children have already grown up, dress out of fashion or a lonely pillowcase, which has long been without a set.
As a workout, you can, for example, sew a blanket for a picnic, cushions for chairs in the country, a beach bag or a fun mat for children's games on the floor. We will be happy to offer you everything you need for more "serious" work.