One more thing I have made for my daughter. Busyhouse — cool toy! But all of them in shops or homemade ones have one principle — bearing walls. It turns out that this exciting toy is easy to make, but it is used one-sidedly. Just as a busyhouse. One busyhouse makes 4 busyhouses. Or six, if with a roof. How long will a child play with one and the same set of panels? Well, a year. Then, he/she will grow up and lose interest in tying shoelaces and rotating handles. I have decided that such a big toy should be more functional. For a child to be interested in it as he/she is growing.
I have come up with a solution, in which busyhouse can be used as a dollhouse for girls at the same time, and as a garage for boys. As the child grows, part of the panels can be easily removed, giving more space for dolls or cars. Or replace the panels with another, more suitable for the age of a child.
Everything is made of plywood. Dimensions of the house are 600x400 mm, it is 750 mm high. Panels are 8 mm, bearing elements are 15 mm.
Cutting of plywood strips of 15 mm:
Gluing of floors:
The construction of the roof:
The house is portable. The whole structure is assembled on 4 threaded studs:
Accordingly, I draw up screws for them on the bottom:
Another color scheme and some boyish elements, and the dollhouse turns into a garage for cars:
Game elements on the panels are simple. You can cut them out with a fret saw. But I have began to learn a new technique. So, I cut them out on CNC.
There is much to paint, of course. Taking into consideration that a child plays with the toy, I have chosen completely safe, environmentally friendly, certified paint. Small elements are additionally covered with acrylic lacquer.
Load-bearing elements: floors, roof and pillars. Even without panels, the house stands firmly, and the child can lean on it.
Those interested in details, there is a two-parts video.