It is not always possible to choose fibers and silk for felt decoration, so we can dye them ourselves in a specific color that we need for this project. Today we will dye silk squares, silk and sheep curls in turquoise-blue colors. For work you will need:
- dye acid "Ashford";
- vinegar water;
- microwave oven;
- container for soaking and dying;
- gloves, measuring cup;
- a syringe for measuring vinegar, bags, spoons for mixing, thin film.
All fibers should be lefy in water with vinegar (a tablespoon) for a day in advance.
I will use 2 colors of dye "Ashford": turquoise and blue. I won`t need dye "Jeans". I have 6 percent vinegar, so I add a little water in usual 9 percent vinegar.
The proportion of the dye dilution is as follows: 1 g of dye + 90 ml of hot water + 15 ml of vinegar. Pour the dye into a jar, add hot water, stir until the dye dissolves, then add vinegar. Dye's ready. Next, take a piece of paper and check the color, if it suits you or it is necessary to dilute vinegar water (vinegar water: 175 ml of water + 30 g of vinegar).
I have decided to dilute it a bit.
After adding vinegar water, this solution has become lighter.
Take out handkerchiefs, slightly wring out and lay out evenly. No thickening or creasing.
Pour the dye as you like (somewhere the dye is brighter, somewhere less).
Then, wrap it in the film.
Curls are the next. Pour the dye into the water and immerse the curls there.
Do the same with silk.
Wrap everything in a film. The dye is all used up. Then, place it in the microwave. 450 degrees, three times, for 3 minutes.
Important! Use microwave only for dyeing. Cooking and heating food is forbidden there!
Take it out from the microwave. Let it cool down. Rinse. The water must be clear.
That`s the result!
Still wet.
It's all nicely done.