Today we are going to paint a picture in watercolours, using only two colours.
To do it, you`ll need:
- watercolour paper (I have A5 cotton paper);
- water;
- brush;
- 2 colors of paint (of cold and warm shade);
- palette.
Work in a limited palette is very useful to train tone layouts in painting, and is interesting in general for the painter and the audience.
A pencil sketch looks like this:
To do the sketch, you need to use a hard pencil and draw an almost invisible line. (I drew the line brighter for you to see it better).
Then, proceed to the choice of watercolors.
I have chosen violet and yellow ochra.
These are just two colours, but the mixture of them gives numerous shades!
What`s imortant is not to be afraid to experiment with intensity and transparency. Note that it is better to add more violet to shadow parts and yellow ochra - to light parts.
All the stages of painting are presented in the video below.