It is a little late, but I decided to take part in the competition and at the same time complement the set of Christmas decorations with missing Christmas stars, in a word, to kill two birds with one stone. The set was almost finished, a box for storing was painted and I made Christmas decorations, but something was missing, I wanted to make something else, and just then there was the announcement of the contest, I really wanted to take part in it. And all of a sudden the pieces of the puzzle fell into place and it became very clear that there are not enough stars in the set of Christmas tree ornaments named "Christmas Star". But I am short of time, my orders are paid, I have to make them, but it is difficult to find time for sewing and decoration of the stars, but still, better late than never. The process of making stars is not technologically difficult, but it is very time consuming. The stars are sewn entirely by hand, then I have to decorate them, so this DIY is especially for those who has at least some time.
For the work we need:
- fabric, I have milky linen jacquard stretching in transverse direction;
- holofiber or pieces of padding polyester for stuffing;
- nylon fabric;
- inks for textile or batik;
- sequins, beads, capron and satin ribbons, narrow cotton lace;
- skillful hands and patience.
First of all you need to make a template. This will require a compass and a protractor. Determine the size of the star. I have 13 cm, then the radius of the circle to be drawn will be 6.5 cm. After the circle is drawn, it must be divided into 6 equal parts, if you want to make larger rays, increase the number of parts in the circle. Divide the circle using the protractor. The degree measure of a circle is 360º, so to divide the circle into six parts, you need to consistently mark 6 times by 60 degrees using a protractor, pre-drawing a line through the center of the circle and work according to it.
In the drawing it is seen that after the division of the circle into six parts, you should divide each part in half and finish the star, all the necessary dimensions are specified.
Cut out the template, apply it to fabric, draw out, do not forget about the allowances of approx. 7 mm. For the lower side cut two parts of star halves.
Draw three lines on the wrong side of the upper part. You'll see them in the photo.
Now sew manually with a loop seam through these lines, taking quite a bit of tissue, 2 mm. This is necessary in order to create an imitation of a star, made of separate rays.
Whipstitches are used to prevent fraying. To the left there is a picture of slant stitches, to the right — whipstitching with loop stitches.
Now our workpiece is ready for decoration. It can be decorated with sequins and beads. I decided to make the same stitches along the edges of the stars, sewing on a bead in a stitch.
Sew the two halves of the lower part of the star together, leaving a hole in the middle for stuffing, fold two pieces with right sides and stitch, I sewed by hand, so it was more comfortable.
You must prepare the middle for decoration of the stars in advance. I took a piece of nylon fabric and paints for textile (I have dyes for batik, although it would be more convenient to draw them), drew a few petals on it, you need 24 hours for drying, then press them with a hot iron without steam for 2-3 minutes, cut out the petals, form the flower.
Now, take each petal and gently burn the edges with a candle, cut out a small felt circle, sew the petals one by one, decorate the middle by your choice.
To make a hanger for the star, put a thick cotton thread in a big needle and put the needle from the wrong side at the top of the ray of a star or between its rays, tie the ends of the thread in a knot inside the star.
Stuff the star with holofiber, but not very tight, sew with blind stitches the opening for stuffing, sew the middle, bringing the needle through, the middle will be a little pushed inside and you can sew on a pearl bead on the bottom for beauty.
Well, one star, decorated with a poinsettia flower is finished.
Now turn your imagination and sew and decorate a few more stars to decorate our beautiful Christmas trees.
Sew Christmas stars, sew many different stars and decorate your house for the holidays and be happy.
Regards, Natasha.