I am doubly lucky to live near the sea and make crafts :) The sea is not only in front of my eyes, but in my soul, in my heart, and in my works! I made many things in marine style — photo albums, baby albums, notepads, postcards, mobiles, candle holders, candles — I just can not remember all of them. It seems that any product can be made in marine style! Besides, these things are popular as gifts for men.
Of course, that, surfing the Internet, I often encounter handmade ideas in marine style. And though I try not to copy other people's works, but sometimes a thing or an idea is so pleasant that it is impossible to pass by without dragging it along to my hamster's hole:) Today I want to share with you these wonderful ideas. Unfortunately, I don't know the authors and the works represented in these pictures, but I am very grateful to them and I wish them further creative success and inexhaustible flow of ideas!
Perhaps the most accessible way to add some nautical mood to your house is to paint large, smooth pebbles of rounded shape. And you don't have to be an artist — you just need a little patience and a desire to learn dot painting!
A space idea with constellations.
This is quite minimalistic, and no special skills are required, it looks interesting.
The houses:) In my opinion, they are very nice, but I will tell you about the houses later :)
Ideas for creativity with children and for children:
And this is a more complex version. Well, maybe it is not difficult, but requires experience and a special tool for carving. I love it!
You can also make different shapes of pebbles, placing them in a frame, for example. You can make a panel of several pieces, glueing them on wooden square bars.
By the way, you can also make pretty things of shells :)
A good option for nautical decor — mobiles made of shells, stones, twigs and bits of glass, polished by waves!
For those who are friends with wire, and for others — a chance to make friends:)
Candles and nautical decor of candle holders — there is no limit to imagination!
Candles with seashells — very cute, you can make it from a small floating candle. And if you want to make a candle in a twisted shell (like a snail's shell), first check the shell for leaks, filling it with water — I made such a shell once and could not understand where the wax went. And it flowed from one small, invisible hole:)
And here is a candle with pebbles and twigs thrown out to the coast.
It is possible to make this beach-sea microcosm in a glass :) Cozy and cute!
Beached polished twigs — for me this is the most valuable marine treasure! You can make a lot of things of them! I like to make photo frames :)
I can not start making figures. This cancer is just stunning!
And how do you like these wonderful boats? Oh, I need to urgently grow a second pair of hands — and create, create, create!.
A great sunny idea! Looking at this, I regret that I don't have a garden in the yard where I can place such a beauty :)
And here they are — extremely cute houses that captured my heart at first sight!
Well, we can't do without a lighthouse :)
And here are useful things for interior, clocks, for example:
And a couple of ideas:
I recently came across interior wreaths in nautical style. I just fell in love with them!
And a couple of others:
And what is the sea without adventures and notes in bottles? For me interestingly decorated bottles are an essential attribute of nautical style!
And jars are as good as bottles, they can be used for storing small and necessary things :)
Of course, special attention is paid to jewelry in marine style. They deserve a whole article, I would say. So I did not give a lot of examples of jewelry. I just want to share this seahorse, who also won my heart at first sight (still I do not lose hope to try to make it with my hands).
I hope that my article inspired you, fanned you by the cool sea breeze, became the occasion to remember a seaside holiday or to start planning a future vacation, and helped someone to finally answer the eternal question — what to do with all the shells and bits of glass brought back from a vacation :)