Pumpkin is a queen of autumn. Who can argue with that? And, of course, as a queen, she needs to decorate every house. In this article I will present you a pumpkin in all its glory and tell you how you can decorate the house and give it more heat with the pumpkin orange color. So even if you are not an ardent fan of this autumn maiden, do not rush to turn up your nose and turn the page. I'm sure that by the end of the article you will not remain indifferent.
Well, shall we go?
And the first thing to which I would like to draw attention is the fact that this is the best time to buy all sorts of things connected with the pumpkin or made of it. It is the eve of Halloween, it has been especially actively gaining popularity in Russia in recent years. And as you know, the pumpkin is the main decoration of this event, so even those who do not celebrate this holiday will buy something in stores.
First of all, let's refer to the color palette. The classic "pumpkin" gamma is a few shades from dark red to soft sand color with the obligatory patches of brown, olive and beige. This is a real daughter of the autumn!
Despite the depth and richness of color, one can not say that the palette is flashy or too "feminine". This is a great example when even people of conservative views will be able to find a shade for themselves.
Looking into the future, I can see how the trendsetters speak about the rabid popularity of warm orange colors in 2019. 5 of these shades will be at the peak. I anticipate how the eyes of fashionistas are lighting up! :) For you my dear, catch the announcement from the Рantone fashion institute and then let's go shopping!
Well, in order not to be proofless, and really inspire you on new things, I will give examples of design works in cozy-pumpkin colors.
Do not forget about men!
If you and your family are quite active people or you are simply going to change something in your house, I would love to share with you some juicy ideas for the interior. I want to dive in these pictures, invite friends for a cup of tea or revise my holiday photos (and maybe even plan a new one :))
Well, if your heart and budget are not ready for such global changes, but you really want something "pumpkin", then you can bring just a little piece of autumn. But what a piece! What could it be? Anything — you can not stop the flight of fantasy: pumpkin seems to be suitable for everything. Interior toys, dishes, candles, wreaths on a door... and even accessories!
And of course I can't pay no attention to lovers of noisy parties with or without occasion, leave them without inspiring ideas to the already mentioned Halloween. The most simple (but not the most ineffective) way is to cut a face on a pumpkin. There is a plenty of DIY videos on the Internet. The most important thing is that it's so simple that you can do that with children using your fantasy. And here I'll leave the cutest examples that I found, oh, wait, they are the most scary :)
By the way, if we continue the creative direction, you can cut out of the pumpkin not only lanterns for Halloween. I understand that I will not reinvent the wheel, but some of the works inspired me and I even wanted to make something like that again.
And what about you?
And I'm sure that there are readers among you who, like me, consider cooking a creative process, which also requires inspiration. And for you, dear creators, I found a mouth-watering images. Do you feel the aroma?
I wish you orange autumn and pumpkin mood! And remember: inspiration is closer than you think!