I'm eager to share with you my experience. I suggest you make an adorable embroidered brooch.
This touching, delicate piece of jewellery is perfect at any time of the year.
You need:
2.Vintage moss green velvet. The size of the piece depends on the size of your hoop.
3. Floss. Three shades from beige to brown and two shades of green.
4. 100% silk blue ribbon.
5. Preciosa Seed beads № 10. Toho beads No. 15.
6. Swarovski crystal of blue colour, 8 mm.
7. Sequins (Italy).
8. Scissors.
10. Needle.
11. Light ordinary threads.
To assemble:
4.A pattern to draw a circle.
6.Tiny pin.
Start all with a life-sized sketch.
Proceed to implementation.
Draw a circle on a piece of velvet with chalk.
Emphasise the circle with a white thread. Mark three buds:
Cut it out and fix in the hoop.
Step 1. Pass the needle as shown here, from A to B:
Step 2. Pick several loops (4-5) with the needle.
Step 3. Carefully hold the loop and pull the needle. Then the needle is returned to point A.
Make 3-4 stitches gradually increasing the length — up to 30 stitches.
Go on with a lighter thread. Shape the bud.
Add ten more stitches increasing their size.
Thus, embroider three main flowers.
Now you need to embroider the stems — do it from the buds down.
Embroider some more stems of a lighter green colour.
Complete the composition with closed buds — three stitches per each.
I also embroidered some green leaves but pile hides such small parts, they are practically invisible.
To cut it out, mark the circle again with a marker — it will be hidden, I promise :)
Pick a sequin and bead No. 10.
Then pass the needle back:
Thus, sew the sequins around.
Shape a bow.
Baste the bow to the brooch:
Add the crystal:
And sequins around it.
One sequin over the previous one:
And beads:
Cut out the embroidery:
And get three magic circles: out of polyester batting, cardboard and felt. All the three circles I make 3 mm less in diameter for sequins to stay at the edge.
Sew a tiny pin to the felt.
Make a cake out of slices of batting, cardboard and felt. Put them on the embroidery with the batting down. Coat the cardboard with glue to fix the pin.
Then baste the velvet to felt or tighten the edge with a thread.
Cover the backside of the future brooch with velvet. Cut it out and fix. Make cuts for the pin:
To prevent fraying, apply glue to the edges.
Sew the two sides using this monofilament. It is not visible on velvet, very convenient.
I want to replay the way I did it. Here's how you sew two parts together (use this stitch):
Congratulations! The brooch is ready :)
I hope all is clear.
This is only a small option for creating brooches. Your imagination will help you to select your colours, shape, size, pattern and so on.
Create and share your talent!
I will answer all your questions with pleasure.
Sincerely yours,