The flower is not complicated, but working with tiny details requires skill. I want to share my experience with you.
Materials and tools:
- Merino wool
- silk or viscose fibres for decor
- soap solution
- net
- vibrogrinding machine (optional)
- plastic gloves or bags
- felting mat
- needle and strong thread
- sharp nail scissors
Hot to make petals:
Combine the two pics above to get the template below (use thin wool, 16-18 microns):
Let's start.
Put a mat over a template to see the size you need. Add fibres:
Lay out wool this way:
The leys should be very thin!
Slightly rub all. Add more wool if needed.
Pour soap solution.
Rub through the net.
Trim the edges with your finger and rub them.
Then use the machine or felt through the net for 5-7 minutes. Remember to lift the net from time to time.
Then leave for a few minutes and slightly move the blank.
Gather all in a ball and very gently roll in your hands for 10 seconds.
Smooth with hands, felt.
Repeat these steps several times, gradually increasing the resistance of felt. You can add more soap.
Get a durable fabric which stretches like rubber after crushing. Shrinkage is already seen.
Begin to make the cuts according to the pattern above:
Roll carefully:
Roll petals with your fingers. Continue rolling the ball and spreading it.
See the difference before and after rolling:
Wash felt and wring in a towel a few times. Roll the petals in the heart. Dry.
Then use as planned, make the sepals, stems and collect flowers in a bunch.
All is done! This tutorial will be added to my PDF book Flowers on a Round Pattern.