Sewing Christmas Teddy Dolls in Suits
The idea for this toy came in a busy period when I was getting ready for an exhibition and made everything manually. But I needed to get away and make something different, simple and creative. And I decided to make Christmas toys from anything. Here's what I needed:
- watercolor paint
- thin brush №0 (squirrel)
- thin and large synthetic brushes (boar bristles possible)
- pastel / eyeshadow and blush
- spray matt lacquer
- matt varnish
Find such faces with a mould or just buy blanks. Mark the eyes with a pencil.
Apply watercolour:
Add shades and paint the hair:
Some more shades:
And rouge. When all is dry, lacquer it to fix the pigments. Then, cover with a layer of varnish:
Make as many faces as you need. As you see, I needed a blank as a test for paints :)
Leave the blanks to dry for an hour, and cut out the pattern.
I usually use this template:
But I was tireв this time and simplified it much. I used a piece of vintage plush 20x20 cm:
I stitched the edges of the head and then glued the face to it:
The body is sewn from two halves:
Pin the template to an equal piece of cloth:
Stitch the blank on the machine:
And cut out leaving allowances:
Stuff with polyester wadding:
Insert a pin, sew up the hole in the neck. The head is ready.
Make a hole with an awl. Put the second washer on the cotter pin and bend the ends with a washer fixing tool. First the short end, then the long one. You can use pliers for that.
Stuff the body. Stuffed the arms and legs tightly, the body freely. Sew up the back, sew the ears and a rope.
Add shades around the contour with pastel or oil paints.
Some more sweet details like ribbons and buttons — and the Christmas teddy doll is ready!
Adorn your tree with the new treasure!
Add the link when sharing. Merry Christmas!