I propose to make a miniature brooch with thread and ribbon embroidery. It is quite simple and kids can also manage it.
Here's what you need:
1. Hoop.
2. Fabric base for embroidery, velour / velvet with short pile.
3. Threads for embroidery: white, 2-3 shades of blue, grey, metallic floss.
4. Silk or satin ribbon, width 5-7 mm, a shade of withered autumn leaves.
5. Lace.
6. Sewing thread.
7. Monofilament.
8. Needles.
9. Template (diameter 4.5 cm).
10. Plastic base (2 pieces).
11. A piece of felt or foam.
12. A small piece of velvet ribbon (optional).
13. A small piece of organza ribbon (optional).
14. Pearl bead.
15. Findings for brooches in the form of pins.
16. Tailor's chalk.
17. Awl or thick needle.
18. Scissors.
Draw the outline of the brooch at the backside. Slightly embroider the countour:
Snow on the picture has three shades. We'll use three types of stitches.
1. Make the French knot by weaving the thread around the needle. Insert the needle close to the thread and pull to the backside:
2.Use another colour according to the scheme:
3. Take one more colour, make smaller knots:
Fill the space between the knots. Space 2 is filled with knots 3. Space 1 is filled with knots 2.
After that, fill the remaining empty space in the central part with ordinary stitches:
Here comes magic. Add shine with silver thread, use knots and short stitches.
Embroider snowflaes using all threads:
Take a silk ribbon with a width of 7 mm, needle it. Thread it, pass the needle through it and make a knot:
Make a twig. Fist of all, find the point where all three leaves meet:
Shape the first leaf:
Make the second one:
And the last leaf. You can pin the ribbon in another way to make the shape different:
'Draw' the stalk with eight threads twining them:
The end of the stalk is fixed at the backside with fine nylon thread. Also use thethread to fix the stalk at the right side:
Sew the moon — a pearl. Use either fishing line or nylon thread:
Then cut out the embroidery with a seam allowance of 0.7-1 cm. And you need another circle with a marked seam allowance for the back side:
I took an office folder for papers to cut out cut out two plastic blanks by pattern.One needs two hole for a brooch pin:
Apply the marked blank fabric circle on a plastic blank and pull the thread:
Sew the brooch pin. You can optionally hide it under a small piece of velvet ribbon:
Before applying the embroidery on a plastic base, put on a piece of felt or foam between them to make the item look voluminous and soft. After tightening, remove the basting thread:
Frame the brooch with lace:
Proceed to the final stage. Pin the two workpieces together. Sew them with tiny monofilament stitches. I advise to do it twice.
That is all :) The brooch is ready.
Unfortunately, the picture doesn't share the play of shine at a certain angle of lighting, but believe me, it looks pretty cool. I hope this tutorial has inspired you to create your personal winter fairy-tale.
If you have questions, ask me. I will try to answer in detail.
I wish you success and inspiring winter!