Greetings to everyone!
I offer a guided squirrel drawing project.
1. Pastel paper Pastelmat (size 25х17)
2. Pastel Faber-Castell ( I have 24 colours)
3. Pastel pencils Derwent
I painted from this photo:
Make a sketch with a Naples Yellow pencil, then add a little white.
Fill the background around the squirrel and shade. The same is done with the eyes, use a pencil.
The squirrel looks creepy without the eyes, so I draw them. Use pencils.
1. Add blue.
2. Draw with dark grey leaving highlights.
3. A little dark blue.
4. Dark spaces are drawn with black, after that — more white for the glares.
Dark grey is applied with small strikes in the direction of the nap.
Add light grey.
Use white chalk for fur, and the white pencil for eye contours.
Add dark brown over.
Draw hairs on the paws with red and brow.
Now shade all neatly. Then proceed to the nose: beige, a little pink and purple, slightly shade and draw with dark brown.
Add a little white to the face and chest.
At the bottom of the paws — dark brown, beige for the top, add white under the paws. Shade.
Fill the right side is filled with dark and light grey + a bit of olive green over.
Use pencils of different shades of brown for hairs on the tail and muzzle.
Draw pile with a sharpened white chalk all over the squirrel. Sketch the hind legs with brown chalk.
Ears and tail are covered with black. Use white pencil to brighten all fur.
Proceed to the background.
1. Draw with brown, grey, blue, green and white.
2. Shade.
3. Once again, cover with these flowers + add blue and beige.
4. Shade again.
Draw the hind legs with brown and beige pencils.
The black pencil for the whiskers.
All is ready!
Thank you for your attention!