I share the process of creating a very charming kitten. Let's not waste precious time and immediately get down to work. Find the following materials:
- carded wool: light beige, light brown, brown, very small pieces of sand and white colours
- needle for felting 36 which is used for rough and quick felting
- needle 38 and 40
- reverse needle 40
- glass eyes
- Moment glue
- mat for felting
- brush or sponge
- long tailor's needle and thread
- dry pastel and small brush with a flat tip
- nail scissors with straight edges
- pins
- thin fishing line
- carding comb or another suitable brush or comb
- black acrylic paint
Twist light beige wool as tight as possible. Needle 36 is introduced as deep as possible, felt hard but withdraw the needle at the same angle.
Felt the future head untill it is dense. Better form the desired shape, and then add wool if nesessary.Here the surface is friable but the middle is tight:
Tighten the surface evenlyadding little clouds of wool to all sides.
Now define the middle of the kitten's face, the location of the eyes.
Apply the eyes.
Draw a sketch, it may be rough — no matter.
Then sew the eyes. The needle is inserted from the back of the head and withdrawn through the marks. Pick the eye and pierce the head woth the needle through the same holes. Knot the thread ends.
Then I add a little volume on the right side of the head and slightly compacted by this part, as it seemed more loose than the left side.
Now felt the protruding part of the face of the kitten. Use needle 38.
While the muzzle is still loose, mark the contours of the nose and whisker-pads with the needle.
Shape the nose.
The eyes and eyelids.
Add more to the forehead, cheeks and under the eyes.
There is a little secret how to make the eye of a more interesting colour — just tumble separate pieces of wool with the needle under the eyes.
Check the density of the head, if you find loose space — add more wool there. Hide the thread, too.
Make the body. Model a tight oval piece of wool which one edge loose to attach the head.
That's roughly the shape you need. It has a dense middle, but the surface is still loose.
Make 4 paws at the same time.
Leave the ends loose.
Give a bend to each leg.
Legs need darker wool at the bottom, the top is lighter.
The legs are ready:
Join all the parts. Felt the wool into joints with a needle as deeply as possible. Clouds of wool conceal rough transitions.
Go on. Add more wool on the breast, attach the tail — it is also covered with darker strands of wool.
Make the ears. Mix these colours
to get this shade:
And felt. Take a blank and needle 38.
When the ears are ready, pin them with a loose part (it should be fluffed before).
Yay! The kitten is assembled. Colour the body and head with light brown hair.
Here's the dark dude.
Make it lighter taking the base wool out.
Okay, it's time to call a mom-cat to put in order this fluffy baby.
Now feel yourself a pet hairdresser. Comb and cut with scissors the entire kitten.
Rub dry pastel, mix black and brownmix and lightly tap stripes and dots.
I use two colours of acrylic paint for the design of the nose. Apply it in two or three layers after drying. You can apply a special primer or white acrylic, dry and sand it and then apply the desired color. Thus, the nose will be smoother.
Two clouds of white wool are used to make eyes more true to life.
Well, the kid looks at us with curious eyes, is ready to be naughty. And it needs whiskers.
Everything is simple. Insert a needle with fishing line, each whisker is glued before passing. Trim the fixed whiskers.
Here's the sweet kitten! :) Hope, you got inspired!
Good luck!