I'm sure many of you know about this product for children's craft. It combines the characteristics of sand and mass for modeling. I suggest making the sand with your own hands, it will take you 15 minutes!
So, you need:
- 2 cups of pure fine sand. It can be brought from the sea or bought at the baby store, and even better at the pet store (for aquariums, terrariums, dogs). If you took sand from the sea or garden, then it must first be washed and then calcined in the oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes
- 1 glass of starch (preferably corn)
- 1/2 glass of water (not hot)
- 1 teaspoon of dish soap
- essential oil for fragrance (optional)
All the ingredients are mixed in a container until homogeneous mass:
That's all!)
The moon sand is ready. It turns out not much wet, but a little damp, keeps its shape, is not dirty. When sculpting, sand sticks to hands, but if you rub hands against each other, it falls down, like if there was no sand at all. One feels only talc on the hands (due to starch).
The only disadvantage is a follow-up cleaning, so be ready! Let your children play on a plastic tablecloths. After the game, put the moon sand in a container with a tightly fitting lid and it will serve you forever :)
As the sand dries out during a game, get back its properties by adding a little water.
Funny modeling!