To decorate your house for Easter and make it spring, bright and warm, I bring to your attention a DIY on felting a cute Easter couple of Bunnies.
These two are 12 cm height. I hope they will adorn your house and create a festive spring mood.
You need:
1. Wool of different colors (white and brown are obligatory).
2. Needle for felting (No. 36, 38, 40, and back 40).
3. Sponge for felting.
4. Glass beads for eyes.
5. Accessories on request (I had a basket and a bunch of flowers).
Let's start with the girl.
To make the head, take white wool and felt an egg, leving the place where the head meets the body unfelted (the neck). Use needle 36.
Determine where the eyes will be and make hollows.
Sew black glossy beads in the hollows.
Then, shape the nose, cheecks and chin.
Use needle 36 for shaping the primary form and 38 to felt them to the head.
Make the ears iadding strands of wool to meka the size equal.
Perfect the edge of the ear carefully working with a needle (38 or 40).
Add pink wool to the middle of the ear and felt to the head.
Now the upper eyelids. Use needle 40.
Check the proportionality and felt, adding strands where needed.
Here's the head:
Now the body. Let's make smart dress.
To felt a cone, use needle 36.
Work out the folds of the skirt but for the fromt part where a white apron will be. Felt white wool (apron) there with needle 38, smooth with needle 40.
Now join the head and the body, use needle 36, work deeply not to leave emptiness inside.
Make the paws shaping the bend of the elbow.
Felt them to the body.
Attach red sleeves, a white collar, belt and ties (needle 40).
The rear paws:
Now when the Bunny is almost ready, go back to the face and we work out a few details to make the image more complete.
Perfect the face with the reverse end of needle 40. Do not touch the eyelids! Gently trim the hairs.
It's time to put the girlfriend aside and make the he-rabbit.
There are a lot of similar actions, therefore, l focus only on differences.
When making the head, add beige-brown wool.
The body is pear shaped.
Iti must be tightly felted inside! But the surface is loose to felt clothing to it, which will then carefully smoothed.
You can already felt the head to the body at this stage.
Shape the arms with jacket sleeves.
Apply white stripes and attach the tail.
Make a black hat of two parts.
The finished hat is felted to a paw to the foot.
Both rabbits need fingers.
Draw fingers with dry pastel; the faces and eyes, too. You can add a bow.
And this sweet couple is ready! :)
Thank you for your attention!
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