Today we will weave a simple and beautiful pendant in the shape of a semicircle of wooden beads.
I used DHH knot (mostly) and square knot, and expanded fastening with a lock inside.
- cotton cord 1 mm diameter, (I used synthetic): 2 cherry cuts per 1 mm, 1 cut of 60 cm and 1 white cut of 50 cm
- 6 beads, 6 mm diameter, with a hole large enough for the cord
- cord for the base
- pillow for weaving with pins
- roulette
- lighter
- good mood :)
So, start.
Fasten one of the 1 m cherry strings to the base. Use expanded fastening with a lock inside (photo 2).
Tighten it (photo 3).
Next fasten another 1 m string the same way. Pin one white string and the last cherry string on the left; tie them into DHH knots (photo 4).
Then use the far right string as a base and weave the other 5 strings on it with DHH knots; note that the new row of knots is slightly tilted down on the left (photo 5).
Pick one bead on the base (photo 6).
Change the direction of the string to the right and weave five more DHH knots on it; the distance between the rows is equal to the width of the bead and on the right they are closely adjusted to each other (photo 7). The first petal is ready.
Again change the direction; weave another 5 knots (photo 8).
Pick a bead and finish the new petal like the first (photo 9).
Weave three more petals; you get five at the end (photo 10).
Turn over the pendant; the base string is set aside for a while (photo 11).
Weave five DHH knots with all working strings in turn from left to right on the base string (photo 12).
Again turn the weaving over (photo 13).
Tie one DHH knot on the black thread with the base string (photo 14).
Pick the bead on the thread (photo 15),
and tie one more knot on another side of the bead (photo 16).
Cut off the strings leaving 7-8 mm ends (photo 17)
and scorch them to the backside of the blank (photo 18). Do not forget to air the room after melting synthetic fibers! And if you work with natural yarns, the ends can just be glued.
Further on, pass one of the cherry trimmings through the lower central bead; for that the end is sharpened with a lighter (photo 19).
Choose a more or less long scrap (at least 15cm) from the remaining ones, pin it under the two middle strings peeping out from the bottom of the beads and tie them into a square knot (photo 20).
Tie a knot on each string at a distance of 2-3 cm from the square knot, pick per a bead on each and fix them with one more knot; and then cut off the threads.
Our pendant is ready!
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And I would love to see the pictures of your works :)