Autumn is the harvest time. In this DIY you will harvest vegetables from polymer clay and fruit out of felt.
You need:
- thick corrugated cardboard
- PVA glue
- art or utility knife
- acrylic paint
- polymer clay
- felt, thread, polyester batting or wool
- wooden items (sticks for ice cream, ruler, matches)
Today the "garden" game is very popular. Vegetables and fruit are sewn, knitted, modeled, glued. And then the question arises — where they would be "planted"? Most often, this is done using kinetic sand. And you will make cardboard beds. It's simple, affordable and convenient.
I will also show how to sculpt some types of vegetables. It is not difficult!
Model onion. Roll out a piece of green clay into a thin rope, cut into small pieces. Make a hole with a toothpick in the upper part of a brown bulb, put in a piece of green and gently press. Make rootlets of dark brown clay. Bake onions with the rest of vegetables, and then draw stripes with acrylic paint like on real onions.
Squash is modeled from yellow and light green clay. First, make something like a UFO. Make strips with the toothpick, at the top a small ball of green clay is put and pressed (I used dots).
For cauliflowers, I roll white balls of very pale green clay. Slightly press. Next, roll smaller balls, of different sizes, press them to the base, form the head. When it's ready, work each segment with a toothpick. Model leaves from green clay, attach and draw the veins.
Paprika is a multi-colour vegetable. Shape bright pieces of polymer clay in the form of a pepper, make grooves with the toothpick and hollows for the stalk.
Roll green peas. Shape the leaves, cut a line. Put the peas inside starting from the centre. Press all together.
Zucchini is very simple.
Now bake in the oven according to the instructions indicated on the package.
I showed you a few examples of how to sculpt vegetables. As you can see, it is not difficult. Try, experiment. And each of them can grow in your miniature garden.
Proceed to felt fruit. Templates are cut out of felt blanks of apples and pears. Each fruit requires 2 pieces.
Put the two parts together and sew with a decorativу stitch. Make loops to hang them on the future tree. Before you finish, put some filler inside and sew up.
Pears. You can also shade fruit with pastels.
Now the tree. Cut it out of thick cardboard.
To make the trunk strong, wrap it into a piece of thick white paper. While the PVA glue is drying, make some relief with the sharp end of the toothpick.
Cut off the tips of the toothpicks, they can be a little sandpapered.
Insert them like twigs at 45 degrees. Fasten them with the glue.
That's what happened.
Our trees are painted with acrylic.
You need corrugated cardboard to create the garden. I prepared three sheets of 20x20 cm
Start planning the garden. The distance between the beds — two strips of cardboard.
Trees wll be at the background. Cut out holes a little bigger than the trunk.
This is how the tree should "grow".
To make holes for the vegetables, wet the cardboard.
When the cardboard is fully dry, you can glue all prepared layers together.
Some holes for large and long vegetables such as carrots, beets, turnips may be deepened. Do not forget to moisten cardboard with water. For trees, too.
Paint the garden with brown acrylic paint.
Make a fence of corrugated cardboard with small corrugation. Remove the top layer from one side.
Cut 4 strips equal to the length of a side.
Glue the fence along the perimeter and paint.
For zucchini, cucumbers, squash and pumpkins such rods are made. I have prepared leaves using a hole puncher. Glue a leaf, lay it on a piece of thread and cover with another leaf.
Glue the rods where you'll have the plants. The garden is ready for planting!)
Make boxes for harvest. Here's what you need.
The size of the bottom drawer is 3.5 x 2.5 cm. The height is 1.2 cm. All pieces are glued together.
Well, now you can play)))
I hope your kids will like gardening and farming!