Today I will talk about ice cream! In this master class I will teach you how to make tiny ice cream cones from polymer clay :)
Materials and Tools:
- smooth working surface
- polymer clay
- stationery knife or razor blade
- texture sheet with a fine net
- floss
- toothbrush
- rolling pin or pasta machine
- round mold
- liquid plastic or acrylic paints
- dry pastel
- varnish
- findings for jewellery
- inspiration
Let's get to work!
1. I used the following colours of polymer clay: ecru (Premo! Sculpey 5093) for the pastry, white (Premo! Sculpey 5001), green (Premo! Sculpey 5323), fuchsia (Premo! Sculpey 5504), yellow (Premo! Sculpey 5525).
2. Start with the waffle cup. Take the template, a piece of plastic and a round mould.
3. Thinly roll polymer clay. The thinner the better.
4. Apply the thin layer to the textured sheet and carefully pressed. You can apply the rolling pin.
5. Accountno detach from the textured sheet.
6. Get a piece of plastics with the texture of the waffle cone.
7. Cut a round.
8. To roll the waffle cup, you need to make a small and narrow paper bag. Fix it with double sided tape and glue if necessary.
9. Wrap the cone.
10. Shade the cup with dry pastel.
11. Apply dry pastel with a brush. You need to colour only convex parts.
12. Bake the cone!
13. While the cone is in the oven, proceed to ice-cream. I want to make a huge ice cream of three large balls of different colours!
14. Shape identical balls. The balls should be slightly larger than the upper diameter of the waffle cone.
15. The fix a ball in the waffle cup, glue the edge of the inner side.
16. With a toothpick, put the ball into shape of ice-cream.
17. Apply the toothbrush to give the soft texture. And then bake the ice-cream for 5 minutes to make it solid and easier to place the next.
18. Fix the next ball on top of the first. You may use a drop of gel (liquid plastic) over the top of pink.
19. Repeat steps 16 and 17.
20. While the ice-cream is soft, you can insert fruit slices, or any other decor. All decor is attached to ice cream with the gel.
21. Attach the next ball and pour it with 'chocolate' — special gel.
22. Decorate the ice cream with caramel sticks. They are made of polymer clay, too)
23. Here it is! It can be varnished and used as an accessory for toys, or as a decoration. I chose the second option!
24. For the pendant I needed:
- cutting pliers
- round-nose pliers
- drill to make a hole for the pin
- base for a pendant
- waxed cord
25. Drill the hole in top of ice cream. Cut off the end of the pin if it's longer than you need. Dip it in glue and insert into the hole.
Or you can insert the pin in an unbaked ice-cream.
26. Varnish, if you wish. I used "Sculpey" Glossy Glaze.
27. Assemble all.
The pendant is ready!
I loved making ice-creams so much that I made a few more things :)
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I appreciate your feedback and comments) And wish you success and inspiration!