I offer you to felt such a cute Bunny, which can be a wonderful gift for your favourite ones for Easter or will be a beautiful addition to the holiday decor of your home. Besides, hares are adored by many, and we can be touched by them all year round :)
This DIY is designed for beginners, but maybe it will be useful for those who already have some experience in felting.
So, to create the Easter Bunny, you need:
- thin and half-thin wool of beige shades;
- fine wool, white or harsh;
- 36 needle for felting (coarse), 38 (medium, preferably with a star point) and 40 reverse needle for fluffing up;
- eyes (thseу may be special glass eyes for Teddy bears or black buttons with legs, you can also model them of clay and varnish);
- transparent instant glue;
- monofilament or thin fishing line for whiskers;
- dry pastel for shading;
- sponge for felting (any sponge for washing would be good).
To begin with, tear a small piece from a combed wool tape and roll it into a ball.
Fix the free edge with 36 needle and felt sticking the needle in the very middle and bringing it back under the same angle at which it was introduced. This is very important! If you change the position, the needle may break. I work with two needles, it saves time.
Felt the blank in a thin beige wool to make the product softer. Use your hands or a brush to get the piece of wool.
Wrap the piece of wool around the blank.
The ball should be pretty tight inside but loose outside.
Do the same with the body. But leave the part of the body used to attach the head free from the fine wool.
Felt the head at a slight angle.
See that they are properly fixed. Cover the joint with fine wool - felt it.
Felt some light wool to the chest.
Now the face. Make white parts of the nose and felt them to the head. Pin them and use the 38 star needle.
Use beige fine wool for the nose.
Light wool for the chin.
Work the face.
It's time to attach the eyes. I did not make eye sockets, just made holes with an awl and glueв the eyes to stick them.
Make the cheeks.
Here's a little face :)
The eyelids. Take equal pieces of wool for paired parts at once.
Felt the upper eyelids first. Be careful, do not to touch the eye, you can break the needle.
The lower eyelids.
Now the lower parts of legs.
The hips.
Make legs and felt them to the body.
Felt some strands of fine wool over the seams. Refine the shape.
Make the front paws. After felting them to the legs, cover and refine with strands of wool.
Shape the fingers, poking into the paws with the needle along the desired lines.
The ears. Shape triangles, leaving one edge unfelted to attach them to the head of the Bunny. Add light wool to the inner side.
Fold the ears, pin to the head. If the head lacks volume, add some wool to this place.
Shape the tail.
So, at this stage, the Bunny is almost ready. Its surface should not have wrinkles and bumps. Now we can make the hare smooth or fluffy — depends on what you need — so work with the star needle. I worked with three needles at once holding them between my thumb and forefinger.
Make whiskers of monofilament. The arrows show the movement of the sewing needle. Pass the needle through the muzzle several times leaving the thread free from each side.
Shade the Bunny withdry pastel. Rub it well. Use elastic brushes, synthetic are good. I've shaded the eyes, the tips and troughs of the ears, the muzzle and the lines of separation of the fingers.
Decorate the Bunny with a bow and enjoy the result.
Happy Easter!