So, let's proceed to the decoration of a bottle with volume elements of fabric and decoupage.
You need:
- bottle
- PVA glue
- acrylic prime coating
- texture additive for paint (sand)
- glue for decoupage
- decoupage napkins
- acrylic paint (white, blue, ochre)
- metallic acrylic paint (silver)
- brush
- soft cloth (preferably, jersey)
- glassy varnish (spray)
- decor — seashells and pearls, sezal, raffia
- Moment Crystal glue
Step 1
Try the cloth on the bottle and fit its size, remember that the edges need to be wrapped under the bottle
Step 2
Take a small container and pour PVA glue into it, thoroughly soak the piece of cloth.
Step 3
Lay the soaked cloth on the bottle, forming folds. Remove air bubbles from under the cloth pressing with your fingers. Do not forget to leave "windows" for gluing the main motifs.
Leave the bottle for 12-18 hours to dry.
Step 4
Prime the dried bottle, carefully covering every crease.
Again leave for a few hours.
At the end, the "waves" should be very solid.
Step 5
Mix white and blue paints on a palette to obtain the desired shade of blue. Paint the entire surface, in two layers is also possible.Again leave it to dry.
Step 6
Start making the sand mix of white paint and ochre plus the textured additive — up to the consistency of thick yoghurt.
Step 7
Apply the sand with the brush, do not forget to leave some free place on the lid for easy opening. Leave to dry for a few hours.
Step 8
Proceed to the decoupage - take a napkin, cut out the elements.
Step 9
Carefully glue on the motifs, use a soft synthetic brush.
Step 10
It seemed to me that it wouldn't hurt to work your magic on the bottle — apply silver paint with a dry brush on the high areas of the folds and outline the border of the sand golden.
All is ready!
Step 12
Decorate with sand seashells and pearls.
Step 13
Cover the bottle with glassy varnish in spray.