Materials and Tools
1. Two plywood blanks for clocks with a 30 cm in diameter
2. Acrylic paint (white, shabby gold)
3. Structural pasta (thin in this case). I used TAIR structural paste
4. Plaster molds of different shapes (I make them myself, using imprints of different stuff in structural clay, and use different ice molds)
5. A few glass marble beads, shells
6. Moment glue
7. Bitumen varnish
8. Glossy varnish (yacht) and matt varnish
9. Imitation gold leaf (vintage gold)
10. Blank — a papier-mâché sun with a mirror (I removed the mirror when making the clocks and used 12 rays of the sun instead of the dial)
To begin with, prime the plywood blanks white acrylic paint.
Glue the sun to it.
After drying, apply the structure paste with a palette knife on the entire surface.
As soon as all surface is coated, immediately begin to stick plaster casts, glass beads and shells.
Glue each element and press into the structural paste.
Next, I leave everything to dry completely - and go to sleep))
The next day, when the paste is dry, and all the elements are glued, start painting the entire surface (except the glass) golden.
After the entire surface is painted, begin to age it using bitumen varnish.
It is not seen that well in the photos((
When it is all dry, varnish it to fix the whole base before coating some convex elements with the imitation gold leaf.
At the end, cover all with high-gloss varnish.....
That is all!