Again I welcome all tose who is into weaving, and those who is only getiing acquainted with the ancient art of macrame. :)
In today's small tutorial I'll talk about how to quickly and easily make an original woven button in the macramé technique.
For work you need:
- 4 strands per 60 cm of thick, moderately hard and non-slip cord (I used 5 mm polypropylene cord, but it is a little bit slippery, it'd be hard to use for beginners)
- scissors
- tape-line
- lighter
- and, of course, a pillow for weaving with safety pins, ho can I do without it? :)
(see photo 1)
So, start!
Pin the threads to the cushion: vertically pin the two strands one next to another, and two more above them horizontally (photo 2)
Bend the top ends over the right pair of threads, as shown in photo 3:
Then take the right pair of threads and bend it to the left over all other threads (photo 4)
After that, bend up the bottom pair of threads. As you have noticed, the threads are moving clockwise around the center (the center is easily recognizable by pins) (photo 5)
The last pair of threads is on the left. Enclose the circle: put it over the two threads looking up, and pass through the loop of the top pair of threads (photo 6 looks much easier than it sounds :))
What comes out is called Chinese knot in macrame, knot or the Lotus knot. Gently and evenly tighten it, and put it on the pillow so that all the outgoing threads laid separately (photo 7) The middle of the button is ready.
Continue weaving the thread, throwing one of them over the next clockwise. But this time you work with each thread separately, not with pairs (photos 8-10)
I think the principle is clear; continue until you get a full circle and all eight threads are not on their places. Such a beautiful pattern turns out (picture 11):
This knot is related to the Lotus knot and is found under the Wreath or Crown titles in books. Gently and carefully tighten it (here comes the moment when it becomes uncomfortable to work with slippery cord - your knot is always spreading, no matter how much you tighten it) (photo 12)
The result of our efforts would look this way (photo 13)
Beautiful, isn't it? Very impressive knot.
It's only left to make a buttonhole. To do this, put the knot on the pillow and pin four threads criss-cross (photo 14)
Now cut out the rest four threads, leaving ends of about 10-12 mm long (photo 15)
Be careful not to deform the whole knot, bend under the ends or glue if youe work with natural fibers. 4 threads remain (photo 16). Overturn the blank and pin its four ends at the base (photo 17).
Start weaving the buttonhole. It is based on the Lotus knot pattern (see photos 2-7). Fix the first knot — not too tight so that, or the button may be skewed (photo 18-19)
The second knot should be tightened harder (20 photos)
Make 4-5 knots (it's up to you to determine the length, depending on the purpose of the button). Tighten the last knot very tight, you can even fix it with glue.
(photo 21).
Hooray! - the weaved button is finished. From above it looks like this (photo 22):
Such button would be perfect for a macramé bag.
By the way. The remaining ends can be trimmed or left — they help to easily fix a button to an item. To do this, just pass the ends through the surface and tie (or sew) them in pairs. Then the button will never come off. :) And I'm talking only about knitted or crocheted things; when dealing with fabrics, it's easier to sew such button.
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