It is time to decorate my Gnezdovye (Nesting-place). In the nearest future I will be actively engaged in interior decorating and share my ideas with you. Today I will tell how I painted bedside tables, a wardrobe, a table and my grandmother's chest.
You need:
Wood paint, I took Dufatex aqua and different paint pigments (turquoise, cream, brown, crimson and green).
Wood varnish, I took AQUA INTERIOR.
Pictures for pattern.
Thick and thin brush.
Brush and roller for applying varnish.
Cloth and vacuum cleaner.
To begin with, paint the furniture turquoise:
I left the middle part of the bedside table unpainted.
Now you are to make templates for painting. As my little shop is called Gnezdovye (Nest-place), I will surely use birdies in decoration.
Take the pictures you like and make birdies templates of dense files or cardboard:
transfer the drawing with a pencil on the turquoise surface; use templates where necessary;
then paint the drawing cream, wait until complete drying;
the brown contour is applied with a thin brush, wait for complete drying.
The middle of the table is beige so the birds came out blue:
I made the edges shabby with the help of brown paint. You’d better do it in gloves:
Sandpaper can help to enhance the shabby effect of wooden things. Let's perfect the edges. I’d got rather a strong paint. It was necessary to put much effort to achieve the desirable result:
Remove pencil with the rubber, hoover all and carefully wash the surface with a sponge:
I wanted to reproduce the effect of old Christmas photos therefore the following step was to paint the light drawing with different light paints. In my case I used green and crimson paints diluted with water:
Cover all with varnish using the brush and roller. Wait for complete drying:
The result:
Next time I will share different tips of dressing curtains and what one can spare on.
Live in harmony with nature