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History of pearls

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Did you know that 150 years ago Russia was one of the largest exporters of pearls in the world? Did you know that: 1. For centuries, pearls were considered one of the symbols of Russia. The chronicle of the 10th century mentiones a pearl earring of the Grand Knyazh of Kiev Svyatoslav Igorevich. 2. ...
The pearl is called the Queen of jewels and it has been fascinating people for thousands of years. Despite the huge popularity, there are many interesting facts about pearls, which most of us have never thought about or just haven't heard of. I myself love pearls very much. I like to look at ...
Pearls burden a neck. They inspire and... blow your mind.A brief report on the visit to the Royal exhibition "Pearls. Treasures from the Seas and Rivers" of the Qatar Museum, Aug-Oct 2018, the Historical Museum, Moscow. It turns out that there is a person who owns not less than 70% of the ...

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