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How to wear a brooch

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You can wear such an accessory as a brooch in many ways. Today I will tell you how to do it not to look old-fashioned. The most important rule is to wear a brooch with a proud expression of the English Queen! Only then it will look great with any outfit. A brooch in the form of a flower will make ...
I don't know how to wear a brooch! I often hear it from my friends and see similar comments on the Internet, that is especially connected with embroidered brooches. We all want to be trendy and not to look funny, so if you do not know how and with what a brooch should be worn, there are several ...
Chatelain is known in France as an owner of a feudal castle, and in England — just a castellan, a steward, a business manager and a chief steward, and a new name of an object appeared. In practice, it has been known since ancient times as a substitute for pockets, handbags and man purses. Wikipedia ...
The question is rhetorical. Everyone decides for himself whether to look peculiar or disappear in the crowd. Everyone chooses his style of clothes, behaviour, communication and attitude towards life. The style is a marker that helps people to read our essence, to have at least a rough idea of what ...

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