3 topics found with this keyword
In my personal cuteness ranking felted toys definitely take one of the first places. But have you ever seen that adorable felted... food? :)
Today I want to share with you the works of a Japanese artisan called mewfelt. The author admits that she has never thought about connecting her life with ...
Welcome, dear readers!
I want to share with you my process of making a handbag in the shape of a watermelon slice :)
You need:
bubble wrap
vibrogrinding machine
wool (green of two shades, pink, two shades of red, white, and some black)
1. Lay out strands of wool over the ...
You need:
Dense chipboard - 2 sheets of A4 size
Cotton fabric, 2 pieces 25x35 cm and a piece of cloth for curtains.
Polyester 2 cuts of A4 size
Lace about 0.5 m
Buttons, satin ribbon, thin lace
Thick scrapbook paper + 1 sheet of cardboard
White and brown embroidery floss and a needle
2 metal ...